Arts: Chapters and Books

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  • ItemOpen Access
    The long, slow tasks of decolonising communication ethics
    (Abramis Academic, 2024) Matheson, Donald; Keeble RL
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    Conclusions: Lessons Learned
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2024) Tan, Alex; Khoo, N; Nicklin, G; Khoo, N; Nicklin, G; Tan, Alex
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    “Henry James and ‘the testimony of the hotel’ to transatlantic encounters.”
    (Routledge, 2018) Montgomery, Maureen; Elbert MM; Schmid S
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    Introduction: Indo-Pacific Security
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2024) Khoo , Nicholas; Nicklin , Germana; Tan, Alex; Khoo N; Nicklin G; Tan A
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    Taiwan's Strategic Choices in the Era of a Rising China
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2024) Wang TY; Tan, Alex; Khoo N; Nicklin G; Tan A
    Early literature on international relations has largely focused on the behaviors of great powers, examining how they interact with each other as their power waxes and wanes. The end of the Cold War and the collapse of Soviet Union have led to the change of global power structure that allows a number of small states to play a more active role in world politics. The ensuing rise of China and the perceived decline of the United States have generated interesting questions: how do such small states as Taiwan behave when they are confronted by a rising and threatening power like China? What are their strategic choices? What are the determinants of their foreign policies?
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    Press/Journalism (Great Britain and Ireland)
    (Freie Universität Berlin, 2014) Monger, David; Daniel U; Gatrell P; Janz O; Jones H; Keene J; Kramer A; Nasson B
    Discussions of press and propaganda in the British Isles sometimes focus excessively on a few metropolitan newspapers, posters or atrocity stories, and examples of repressive censorship. However, the conduct of the press and propaganda was much more diverse. Factors including locality, the period of the war or the individuals or issues involved produced considerable variety in the approaches to public opinion. While generally obedient to publishing restrictions, large parts of the press maintained their independence and dissent remained possible. The increasing scale of official propaganda was less about secretive manipulation than direct and overt attempts at persuasion.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Measuring Perceptions: Combining low and high inference approaches to data analysis in international political communication
    (Routledge, 2023) Betlyukova S; Fox C; Chaban, Natalia; Kenix, Linda Jean; Ostermann F; Mello P
  • ItemOpen Access
    Can a Robot Smile? Wittgenstein on Facial Expression
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) Proudfoot, Diane; Racine TP; Slaney KL
    Some researchers in social robotics aim to build ‘face robots’—machines that interact with human beings (or other robots) by means of facial expression and gesture. They aim, in part, to use these robots to test hypotheses concerning human social and psychological development (and disorders such as autism) in controlled, repeatable experiments. A robot may be said to ‘grin’ and ‘frown’, or to have ‘a smile on its face’. This is not to claim merely that the robot has a certain physical configuration or behaviour; nor is it to say merely that the robot’s ‘facial’ display is, like an emoticon or photograph, a representation of a smile or frown. Although researchers may refrain from claiming that their machines have emotions, they attribute expressive behaviours to them literally and without qualification. Wittgenstein said, however, ‘A smiling mouth smiles only in a human face’. Smiling is a complex conventional gesture. A facial display is a smile only if it has a certain meaning—the meaning that distinguishes a smile from a human grimace or facial tic, and from a chimpanzee’s bared-teeth display. In this paper I explore the implications of Wittgenstein’s remarks on expression for the claim that face robots can smile or frown.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pacific Media
    (AUT, 2022) Ross, Tara
    Pacific media in Aotearoa New Zealand are in a moment of transition, shaped by two key trends. Like all media, they are grappling with the need to reinvent themselves as multimedia outlets in a digital age. In addition, they are grappling with significant intergenerational change within their target Pacific communities, which are morphing from older Pacific language-speaking migrant populations into younger, English-speaking populations of New Zealand-born Pasifika.
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    Why We Shouldn’t Reason Classically, and the Implications for Artificial Intelligence
    (Springer International Publishing, 2016) Campbell, Douglas
    In this chapter I argue that human beings should reason, not in accordance with classical logic, but in accordance with a weaker ‘reticent logic’. I characterize reticent logic, and then show that arguments for the existence of fundamental Gödelian limitations on artificial intelligence are undermined by the idea that we should reason reticently, not classically.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Aotearoa New Zealand field education practice
    (Routledge, 2022) Hay K; Chilvers D; Maidment, Jane; Baikady R; Varoshini Nadesan S; Islam MR
    This chapter will draw on recent literature and practice experience to discuss the nature of field education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Social work education in this country is provided by academic institutions that are approved by the Social Workers Registration Board. The field education curriculum is therefore shaped by both the regulatory body and the tertiary institutions. Significant numbers of students undertake field education annually which places pressure on industry and raises concerns as to the quality of student experience. Although the importance of field education is undisputed it remains poised in a liminal space between the tertiary education and social service sectors where it is not sufficiently resourced by either. This affects the provision of practice placements as well as the establishment of long-term cross-sector partnerships. Significant events such as the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes and recent terrorist attacks have exposed students to different field education experiences signalling the need for programmes to be responsive. Examples of creative learning opportunities in diverse environments, including in indigenous contexts, will be described. Drawing upon recent research, we comment on student and field educator experiences of supervision in the field. Recommendations to further develop social work field education in Aotearoa New Zealand relate to resourcing, infrastructure and quality, support for field educators, and assessment.
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    Challenges and innovations in field education in Australia, New Zealand and the United States
    (Routledge, 2022) Briggs L; Hay K; Medina-Martinez K; Rondon-Jackson R; Fronek P; Maidment, Jane; Fronek P; Smith Rotabi-Casares K
  • ItemMetadata only
    Acclimatising to Higher Ground : The Realities of Life of a Pacific Atoll People
    (2021) Dixon, Keith
    Life for people on atolls is hard, affected by droughts, rough seas and other adverse climatic conditions, and now, rise in sea level threatens their very inhabitance. No wonder kinship is the foundation of atoll societies, traditional and modern! This book presents a multidisciplinary, retrospective analysis of a Pacific Atoll People living in several countries but held together as a diaspora through notions of kinship.
  • ItemOpen Access
    30 Years after the Breakup of the USSR: Russia and Post-Soviet Europe, Narratives and Perceptions
    (2021) Chaban, Natalia; Mondry, Henrietta; Pavlov, Evgeny; Chaban, Natalia; Mondry, Henrietta; Pavlov, Evgeny
  • ItemOpen Access
    Introduction: Phonetic fieldwork in southern New Guinea
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2021) Lindsey, Kate L.; Schokkin, Dineke; Lindsey, Kate L.; Schokkin, Dineke
  • ItemOpen Access
    Phonetic fieldwork in southern New Guinea
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2021) Lindsey, Kate L.; Schokkin, Dineke
    This special publication of Language Documentation & Conservation represents a collection of the first available phonetic descriptions of several languages of Southern New Guinea. This area encompasses the southernmost regions of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The languages included in this collection belong to multiple non-related, non-Austronesian, and non-Australian families and include Yelmek (Yelmek-Maklew family; by TINA GREGOR), Ngkolmpu (Yam family; by MATTHEW CARROLL), Nmbo (Yam family; by ERI KASHIMA), Idi (Pahoturi River family; by DINEKE SCHOKKIN and colleagues), Bitur (Trans-New Guinea family; by PHILLIP ROGERS), and Urama (Kiwai family; by JASON BROWN and colleagues). Our issue opens with an overview of the region's phonetic systems by NICHOLAS EVANS (p. 7), and then each language is detailed in turn. First, we will contextualize the format of this special issue and the methodologies used for collecting, analyzing, and archiving the data in Southern New Guinea.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Preverbal directionals as markers of associated motion in Paluai (Austronesian, Oceanic)
    (De Gruyter Mouton, 2021) Schokkin, Dineke; Guillaume A; Koch H
    This chapter discusses the directional paradigm of Paluai, an Oceanic language spoken on Baluan Island in Manus Province, Papua New Guinea. It shows that these forms are used as preverbal particles not only to indicate direction with motion verbs, but also associated motion (AM) with non-motion verbs. This paper is the first to claim that an AM system based on deictic directionals can clearly be recognized as a category in an Oceanic language, thus setting a precedent for further study of this phenomenon in this particular subgroup, and perhaps also in the Austronesian language family more generally. Secondly, a systematic comparison is made between directionals used either preceding or following the main verb, and it is argued that only the former are attested as markers of AM. It turns out that iconicity is a strong guiding principle in the usage of directionals in Paluai.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Inclusive Journalism
    (Journalism Education Association New Zealand (JEANZ), 2019) Ross T; Strong C
  • ItemOpen Access
    Phonetics and phonology of Idi
    (University of Hawai'i Press, 2021) Gast V; Evans N; Döhler C; Schokkin, Dineke; Lindsey KL; Schokkin D
    This paper provides a first description of the phonetics and phonology of Idi (Pahoturi River; ISO 639-3: idi, glottocode: idii1243) as spoken by about 1,000 people in the villages of Dimsisi and Sibidiri, located in the Morehead District of Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Idi has a fairly large inventory of 21 consonant phonemes and 8 vowel phonemes. As with other languages spoken in the region, the two central vowels show a hybrid status and could be analysed as sometimes phonemic and sometimes epenthetic. Other noteworthy characteristics are the presence of vowel harmony, voiced and voiceless retroflex plosives/affricates, nasality as a “floating” feature, and coarticulated labial-velar plosives, although the latter most likely originated as loan phonemes from Nen.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Independent Media of New Zealand
    (Oxford University, 2021) Kenix, Linda Jean; Nussbaum J
    New Zealand has high global measures for press freedom, democracy, and wealth. Historically, if a country has had strong index rankings for press freedom, democracy, and wealth, they also have a robust independent media system. However, that has not been the case in New Zealand where the independent media is lacking, despite the fact the country ranks extremely highly for press freedom, democracy, and wealth. The lack of a robust independent media in New Zealand may be due to five unique reasons: the small size of the country, the reliance on international news, a wariness toward the entire media landscape, the reserved culture of New Zealand, and the flood of content online.