Education: Journal Articles

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  • ItemOpen Access
    A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context
    (UKI Press, online-publication-date) Bautista, Judy; Gatcho , Al Ryanne G.
    Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the roles and duties of remedial reading teachers rely so much on different factors, some of which are knowledge and the skills that they have, philosophical views in education and the whole school community, the rapport that remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, the support of the administrators to their personal and career developments, and provisions of the local government. It was also evident in the review that literature and studies are scarce regarding remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, thus, suggesting to explore on the what's and the how's of remedial reading teachers in a hope of creating clear policies that will strengthen their identities and support their professional developments.
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    Shame, entitlement, and the systemic racism of mathematics “ability” grouping in Aotearoa New Zealand
    (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023) Pomeroy, David; Azarmandi, Mahdis; Ratima, Matiu Tai; Tolbert, Sara; Jones, Kay-Lee; Riki , Nathan; Karaka-Clarke, Te Hurinui
    Decades of research has documented the consequences of allocating school students into a hierarchy of classes with narrow ranges of mathematics attainment, a process known as streaming, tracking, setting, or “ability” grouping. The purported benefits of streaming are inconsistent and disputed, but the harms are clear, in particular, (1) the limiting curriculum often available in low streams and (2) the loss of self-confidence that results from being positioned in a low stream. Building on this foundation, we discuss streaming in mathematics as tied to systemic racism in Aotearoa New Zealand, where the harmful effects of streaming fall most heavily on Māori and Pasifika students. Previous analyses of race and streaming have focused primarily on the racial composition of streamed classes, bias in stream allocation, and racialised teacher expectations in streamed settings. In contrast, we focus on the emotional consequences of streaming, arguing that streaming produces racialised emotions of shame and entitlement as unintended but predictable consequences. We illustrate the racialised production of entitlement and shame through collaborative storying, interweaving our own biographies with a re-analysis of student interviews from two prior studies.
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    Mother Tongue versus English as a Second Language in Mathematical Word Problems: Implications to Language Policy Development in the Philippines
    (Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue, online-publication-date) Bautista, Judy; Samonte I; Improgo CM; Gutierrez MR
    This study investigated the performance of 150 Tagalog and 131 Sinugbuanong Bisaya grade three pupils with regard to solving mathematical word problems written in their mother-tongue (L1) and in English as their second language (L2). The respondents were subjected to a validated teacher-made parallel tests based on the competencies stipulated in the first and second quarter mathematics curriculum guide of the Philippines. Results of which were compared and analyzed using two-tailed t-test. Findings show that the Tagalog pupils performed better in their mother-tongue over English as their second language. On the other hand, Sinugbuanong Bisaya pupils performed better in English as their second language over their mother-tongue. While results appear contradictory, contextual discussions offer valuable insights into the situation, allowing avenues for more exploration and investigations. As implication to language policy development, this study offers the use of translanguaging in content area instruction and assessment, specifically in the teaching and learning of mathematical problem solving.
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    The status of Indigenous knowledge, environmental issues and Climate Change in Science education: Talanoa from Ha‘apai (Tonga) and Port Vila (Vanuatu) secondary schools
    (2024) Puloka-Luey EC; Manning, Richard; Ratuva, Steven
    This article reviews the doctoral research of Emma Puloka Luey, in order to consider the significance of talanoa (discussions) she conducted with Ha‘apai (Tonga) and Port Vila (Vanuatu) secondary school teachers of science, and their Year 10 students. This research was timely, given that both (case study) communities had recently experienced Category 5 Tropical Cyclones and remain vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters, such as the (2022) explosion of the sub marine volcano, Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai. First, this article summarises the research problem, objectives, methodology, and the community contexts central to Puloka Luey’s study. Second, it discusses the ongoing relevance of the following four themes that arise from data collected. These are: (i) Connectedness to place; (ii) Indigenous languages as gateways to learning science; (iii) Marginalisation of Traditional Ecological Knowledge; and (iv) Contextualisation of science education via dialogue. Finally, we call for more research of this nature, and for future science education curricula guidelines to become more localised, and inclusive of the Traditional Ecological Knowledge systems of Indigenous communities.
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    How Streaming (Tracking) in Eighth Grade Mathematics Reinforces Racialized Social Class Inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand
    (Informa UK Limited, online-publication-date) Pomeroy, David; Gibson , Liam; Manning, Richard
    In Aotearoa New Zealand stark social class inequities persist between Māori (Indigenous) and Pacific people and the Pākehā (New Zealand European) majority. These inequities are apparent in domains including education, income, health, and incarceration. The article explores the relationship between streaming (tracking) and historically rooted ethnic inequalities in one diverse urban setting. Drawing survey, assessment, and administrative data from 450 eighth-grade students across three multicultural secondary schools, we ask how school mathematics reinforces or disrupts social-class divisions between majority Pākehā and minoritized Māori and Pacific stu dents. Students entering secondary school imagined their future careers in ways that were already strongly differentiated by race, class, and gender. Tracking students into racially stratified mathematics classes reinforced such inequalities through a self-reinforcing interaction between aspirations and mathematics achievement.
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    Flipped Classroom: Its Effects on ESL Learners’ Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension Levels
    (Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue, online-publication-date) Fulgueras, Michael Jordan Vicencio; Bautista, Judy
    This experimental study investigated the effects of flipped classroom in enhancing critical thinking and reading comprehension levels of 212 senior high school ESL learners in the Philippines; half of which received the conventional lecture-discussion approach to instruction and the other half received flipped learning approach.  Both the control and the experimental groups were subjected to equal number of 15 instructional sessions.  In order to establish the baseline data for each group in the critical thinking variable and the reading comprehension variable, pretests were conducted and were subsequently compared to posttest results.  The t-test of two independent samples assuming equal variances was used to determine if there was a significant difference between the flipped classroom approach and the lecture-discussion approach with regard to enhancing critical thinking and reading comprehension levels.  Results reveal that in both approaches, there were improvements in the critical thinking levels and the reading comprehension levels of the respondents.  However, the results reveal that the respondents who received instruction using the flipped learning approach significantly outperform the respondents who received conventional instruction.
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    20 Years Teachers’ Work – looking back and looking forward (Part 2)
    (Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Library, online-publication-date) Devine , Nesta; Couch , Daniel; Jones , Kay-Lee; Cook , Helena; Teschers, Christoph
    This editorial celebrates the new, in the form of welcoming two new editors, and reflects on the old, in the form of 20 years of valuing teachers’ work, and resisting encroachments on the mana of teachers and the teaching profession.
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    Boys on the margins of mathematics in Finland, Australia, and New Zealand: rethinking gendered binaries
    (Elsevier BV, 2024) Jaremus , Felicia; Pomeroy, David; Luoma , Tiina
    Despite decades of attention to gender and school mathematics, gender inequalities in participation persist. This paper uses the lens of gender monoglossia to explore how accounts of gender and mathematics differ in three international contexts: Finland, Australia, and New Zealand. Drawing on data from completed studies, we examine normalised performances of masculinity in relation to location, race, and class, and who these constructions exclude from mathematics. In contrast to previous studies documenting masculine advantages, we note some boys ‘on the margins’ of mathematics in each context. We argue that masculine advantages in mathematics are not universal and that attention to contextual differences in gender monoglossia offers a way to ‘open mathematics up’ by exposing the constructed nature of gender norms.
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    Buen Vivir and the Art of Living. Comparing Western and Latin American perspectives on living a good life
    (2023) Teschers, Christoph; Nieto , Maria
    While interaction and exchange between cultures is arguably increasing in our globalized world, sentiments reflecting division among cultures and ways of being in the world remain. In particular, the relevance of ideas, theory, and philosophy based on traditional “Western” values and a focus on the individual is often drawn into question for collectivist and community-centred cultures—and vice versa. This has implications for education, given that much of the education discourse and approaches based on Western traditions are affecting education system across the globe and across cultures. It is also of particular significance for the educational approach focusing on developing students’ own “art of living.” While undoubtedly significant fundamental differences exist between most cultures, this article aims to suggest that, nevertheless, synergies and connecting points exist between Schmid’s philosophical concept of the “art of living”—which is based on so-called traditional Western philosophy—and the Latin American notion of “buen vivir” (good living)—which is based on the traditions and cultural worldview of Indigenous peoples of this subcontinent. While we acknowledge the vast differences in culture and the depths of the cultural divide, our comparative review indicates that connections can be drawn on fundamental ethical aspects of human co-existence. We argue that these connecting points suggest that Schmid’s philosophy can be of relevance to non-Western cultural contexts, as much as Indigenous ways of knowing and being can be of relevance to those in the “Western” world pursuing an art of living, which, consequently, indicates that an educational approach to the art of living can be relevant to diverse cultural contexts beyond Western-centric settings.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Experiences of Using Wiki as a Participatory Learning Tool in Teacher Education
    (2016) Astall, Chris; Cowan, Jackie
    Wikis have potential for facilitating learning in the online environment but studies have identified varying degrees of success. The implementation of a new learning management system at the university provided a context for course instructors to explore the potential of web2.0 tools to facilitate collaborative learning. This research sought to understand teacher education students’ experiences of working collaboratively using a wiki as the participatory technological web2.0 tool. The research study involved pre-service education teachers enrolled as either on-campus or distance (flexible) students in a compulsory first year curriculum paper. A quantitative and qualitative methodology was used to determine learner perspectives on working within a collaborative learning space. Working collaboratively using a wiki as a participatory technological tool was new to most pre-service teachers. Results from this study indicated that their experiences towards collaborative learning remained positive despite a number of challenges. Whilst each group’s experiences varied, we identified three contributing factors to pre-service teacher’s use of wiki as a collaborative learning tool. The student experiences were discussed in relation to the three factors supporting the development of collaborative learning: positive relationships, the role of the course instructor, and the web2.0 technology.
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    Identifying the components of foundational Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy - Early results from a Delphi study
    (Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, 2023) MacCallum, Kathryn; Parsons D; Mohaghegh M
    This article provides some initial results from the first phase of a Delphi study to identify the critical components of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy curriculum. This article explores the study results that address a four-level capability model, but only the lowest level of this model. The Delphi panel comprised 17 experts in AI, and the first round of the study used a survey to gather the experts' responses in three areas that were based on previous literature - knowledge (and concepts) of AI, skills related to AI, and understanding AI in context. A structured thematic analysis revealed several themes under these categories. For foundational knowledge and concepts, it was determined that three areas were needed, namely 1) what is AI? 2) applications of AI, and 3) AI technologies. Skills were divided into cognitive and technical skills, with cognitive skills further divided into 21st-century and applied skills. Understandings comprised social issues, risks, and debates. The repeated ideas that formed these themes gave rich insights into how an AI literacy curriculum might be structured and provided a firm foundation for subsequent rounds of the study, which will involve further iteration and consolidation of these ideas.
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    Anti-racism commitment in early childhood education: The limits of cultural competency
    (SAGE Publications, 2023) Azarmandi M, Mahdis; Delaune, Andrea; Surtees, Nicola; Te Rongopatahi, Kari Moana
    Racism is pervasive in education in Aotearoa New Zealand, including in early childhood education. The preparedness of early childhood teachers to respond to the Ministry of Education's current anti-racism policy direction is a pressing concern. This is particularly the case, given the early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa offers little guidance to support early childhood teachers to develop anti-racism pedagogies. This primarily theoretical article seeks to contribute to dialogue with early childhood teachers about both racism and anti-racism pedagogies. The theoretical arguments advanced in the article focus on document analysis of Te Whāriki. Analysis includes consideration of the themes of inclusion, equity and social justice. It also includes consideration of what these themes might imply about expectations for early childhood teachers’ uptake of anti-racism approaches in their practice. Document analysis is supplemented by limited preliminary survey data drawn from the initial findings of the Anti-racism Commitment in Early Childhood Education: Pathways to Inclusion, Equity and Social Justice (ARC-ECE) study. Drawing from race-critical scholarship to further advance the theoretical arguments, the article highlights tensions in early childhood teachers’ understandings about racism. The limits of narrow definitions of racism that explain it as the result of ‘cultural difference’ are explored. In making a case for thinking beyond cultural competence and culturally responsive practice, the article calls for an immediate rethinking of racism in (and beyond) the sector.
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    Currículo da Educação Infantil no Brasil e na Aotearoa Nova Zelândia
    (Universidade Federal de Alogoas) Nogueira, Gabriela; Delaune, Andrea; Maciel Vahl, Mônica
    Este artigo trata sobre o currículo da Educação Infantil no Brasil e na Aotearoa Nova Zelândia. A partir das Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educação Infantil (2009), da Base Nacional Comum Curricular para a Educação Infantil (2017) e das duas versões do documento Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early Childhood Curriculum (1996 e 2017), problematizou-se as proposições para as crianças e as implicações para a infância. A análise demonstra a influência dos organismos internacionais e do mercado financeiro no currículo e a presença de uma racionalidade neoliberal que contribui para a produção da criança como capital humano e do professor como um tecnocrata. Tensões também foram identificadas, revelando objetivos prescritivos que visão a preparação da criança para atender às demandas do mercado. This paper considers Early Childhood Education curricula in Brazil and in Aotearoa New Zealand. Propositions for children and their implications for childhood were problematized in the light of the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education (2009) and the National Curriculum Basis for Early Childhood Education (2017), from Brazil alongside both versions of Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early Childhood Curriculum (1996 and 2017), from Aotearoa New Zealand. The analysis demonstrates the influence of international institutions and the financial market in the curricula and the presence of a neoliberal rationality that has contributed to producing children as human capital and teachers as curricular technicians. Tensions were also identified that reveal prescriptive aims in order to prepare children to meet the demands of the market.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Editorial: 20 years Teachers Work - looking back and looking forward (Part 1)
    (Tuwhera, 2023) Teschers, Christoph; Devine N; Couch D; Teschers C; Devine N; Couch D
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    Designing for empowering curriculum implementation
    (Victoria University of Wellington Library, 2023) Hipkins, Rosemary; Cowie , Bronwen; Tolbert, Sara; Waiti , Pauline
    International advocacy for future-focused curriculum design often centres on the idea of “competencies” or “capabilities” as potentially transformative constructs for high-level curriculum frameworks. This trend is exemplified by the addition of “key competencies” to the 2007 New Zealand Curriculum. Despite good intentions, this structural change appears to have made minimal difference to the learning that many students experience, or to the assessment practices used to evaluate that learning. With a Curriculum Refresh currently underway, now is an opportune moment to revisit the use of competencies as a lever for curriculum change and ask how the type of transformative change they are intended to stimulate might be conveyed and implemented in more empowering ways. This paper introduces the idea of “enduring competencies” as an umbrella construct for more effective curriculum design conversations. Learning from what has proved problematic in the past, we show how this construct might refocus thinking about purposes for learning, while at the same time being more specific about how and why traditional curriculum “content” might need to change. We illustrate this potential by drawing on our recent collective endeavour to build a small set of enduring competencies for school science education. The paper briefly outlines these four enduring competencies and demonstrates how they build bridges between past (more traditional) and future-focused (more transformative) curriculum and assessment design for the science learning area.
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    Sudanese Young People of Refugee Background in Rural and Regional Australia
    (The Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (SPERA), 2013) Major, Jae; Wilkinson , Jane; Langat , Kip; Santoro , Ninetta
    This article discusses literature pertaining to the settlement of African refugees in regional and rural Australia, particularly focusing on the specific challenges and opportunities faced by Sudanese young people of refugee background in education. Drawing on a pilot study of the out-of-school resources of regionally located young Sudanese students, we discuss the role of social and other capitals in generating conditions that may facilitate educational success for these students. We argue the case for educational research that takes into account the resources and capital upon which Sudanese young people of refugee background and their families draw in order to achieve in education.
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    What do New Zealand teachers and principals perceive is happening for English as an additional language students with the changing architecture of New Zealand schools?
    (2023) Everatt , John; Fletcher, Jo; Kim , Jean; Subramaniam , Yogeetha Bala
    This paper explores the perceptions of New Zealand teachers and principals about how English as an additional language (EAL) students are faring in the profound changes to the architectural design of school building structures. A national online survey was sent to teachers, middle management and principals in schools and provided qualitative responses to gage the perceptions of participants. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight teachers at four primary schools. The perceptions of these key people provide a range of lenses to better understand the interplay between EAL students’ learning, physical classroom environments and culturally inclusive pedagogical practices. The study found that the innovative architectural design of classrooms may benefit EAL students when the following factors are taken into consideration: (i) peer teaching and student collaboration, (ii) teacher support for EAL students, (iii) classroom noise, and (iv) teacher’s perceptions of EAL students’ personality/cultural traits.
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    Exploring how Te Whāriki and the New Zealand Curriculum prepare students for an Art of Living
    (2023) Cowper, Alice; Teschers, Christoph
    This qualitative study looked at Wilhelm Schmid’s concept of the Art of Living (AoL) in relation to the current New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and Te Whāriki. The methodology included a brief content analysis of both Te Whāriki and the NZC in relation to relevant knowledge areas and skills for the development of an AoL, as well as interviews of three participants to provide empirical data. From the participant data, four key themes emerged: support from parents; need for practical aspects within the curriculum(s); post-secondary school guidance; and positive working experiences. The overall findings suggest that Te Whāriki places a large emphasis on the relationships between kaiako, whānau and tamariki, relating to theme one. It was also found that the NZC could provide more opportunities for practical life skills to be included in the curriculum, as well as providing clearer instruction on how to implement effective careers education and other knowledge areas and thinking skills relevant for students to develop their own art of living.
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    Turou hawaiki: Morning karakia and waiata as culturally responsive pedagogy
    (The University of Queensland, 2023) Karaka-Clarke, T H; Ratima, Matiu Tai; Stevens, Susannah; Motu, E; Watson, M
    This article presents the findings of a qualitative case study on voluntary participation in morning karakia (incantation, prayer) and waiata (song) sessions, led by a group of teacher educators. This study is informed by a selective review of literature from three relevant sources: the impact of music therapy practices, culturally responsive pedagogy, and the normalisation of te reo Māori (Māori language) and tikanga Māori (Māori protocols and customs). This approach to the literature review was necessary given the paucity of research on the impact of indigenous cultural practices such as karakia and waiata in mainstream cultural contexts. Through thematic analysis of a survey questionnaire (N = 65) and semi-structured interviews (n = 9), findings showed that participants experienced an improved sense of wellbeing, an increased feeling of whanaungatanga (relationships and belonging) and greater confidence in engaging with Māori culture. This study could be considered a catalyst for additional research into the practice of daily karakia and waiata in educational or professional contexts to better understand the long-term effects on wellbeing and on cultural competence and confidence.