Teacher Collaboration and Innovative Learning Spaces in New Zealand

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Journal Article
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Fletcher, Jo
Everatt J
Chang G
Subramaniam Y

The changing architectural design of the spaces where schooling occurs can impact on the types of pedagogical practices that were once solely viewed within the traditional single teacher classroom. Innovative learning environments are being built where there can be multiple teachers with larger cohorts of students. This may provide more opportunities for collaboration amongst teachers which may enhance learning opportunities. This New Zealand study looks at the views of ten primary school teachers in innovative learning environments and the results from a national survey in regard to primary teachers’ and principals’ perceptions on teacher collaboration and innovative learning environments. Specifically, we highlight the views of principals and teachers situated within the New Zealand education system and the range of views they bring to this change to the types of differing structural spaces of learning and teaching. The findings suggest that a continuing challenge for teachers is the level of noise and the wide range of distractions within innovative learning environment. The attitudes and adaptability of teachers to adjust to change, and their opportunities for professional development to prepare for this change are key influential factors.

Fletcher J, Everatt J, Chang G, Subramaniam Y (2024). Teacher Collaboration and Innovative Learning Spaces in New Zealand. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.
innovative learning environments, primary schools, collaborative teaching, teachers, principals
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
39 - Education::3904 - Specialist studies in education::390403 - Educational administration, management and leadership
39 - Education::3903 - Education systems::390304 - Primary education
39 - Education::3901 - Curriculum and pedagogy::390102 - Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development
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