Recent Submissions
Item Open Access Of Hobbits, Collective Bargaining, and False Economic Emergencies: Accelerated Legislation and Political Constitutionalism(2025) Mueller, SaschaMany constitutional systems allow for an acceleration of the legislative process. Under New Zealand’s mechanism, the so-called urgency motion, the government can introduce and pass a bill within a single parliamentary sitting. New Zealand’s constitution is also strongly political, that is, parliamentary actions are mainly controlled by political means (such as general elections) rather than legal means (such as judicial review). This combination is highly concerning when viewed through the lens of securitisation theory. This theory posits that if the public perceives a political issue as an existential threat to a fundamental social value, the use of extraordinary measures is justified, such as accelerating the legislative process. Thus, if the government can influence the public narrative and make a political issue appear to be an existential threat, the use of urgency to pass it will be justified, irrespective of whether the issue really poses an existential threat. In such a case, the political constitutional safeguard of public censure of parliament fails, because the public has already been convinced that extraordinary measures are necessary and justified. The circumstances around passage of the “Hobbit Law” (the Employment Relations (the Film Industry Work) Amendment Act 2010) shows that political constitutions are vulnerable to the constitutional effects of securitisation of non-existentially threatening political issues.Item Open Access Schrödinger’s Rose: Indeterminacy and Contingent Futures in the Plant Variety Rights System of Aotearoa New Zealand(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023) Jefferson, DavidPlant variety rights, a somewhat obscure and technical form of intellectual property, are often assumed to be conceptually uncomplicated. The two essential purposes of plant variety rights laws are typically to incentivise the creation of novel varieties with useful characteristics and to reward breeders for these efforts. These rationales are seldom questioned. However, plant variety rights regimes might be better understood as open-ended, containing multiple potential futures that are innate though they may never be fully realised. This article reviews a series of Parliamentary debates over the three generations of plant variety rights legislation in Aotearoa New Zealand. The article shows that over time, rather than remain static the perceived rationale for recognising intellectual property for plants in New Zealand has shifted and expanded. Justifications have grown from a narrow focus on supporting a nascent, export-oriented horticultural industry to the endorsement of a broad platform that aims both to promote domestic agricultural innovation and to achieve Indigenous sovereignty over culturally significant plants. The prior indeterminacy that characterises plant variety rights legislation in Aotearoa invokes the metaphor of Schrödinger’s cat, in that these laws’ multiple futures are contingent and may resolve themselves differently depending on whose aspirations are formally recognised and applied in practice. The nature of plant variety rights is therefore spectral, pervaded – both implicitly and sometimes overtly – by the ambitions of different people, as well as by the types of plants and ways of knowing that these laws exclude.Item Open Access Towards durable legal protections for rivers in Chile(Informa UK Limited, 2024) Weber Salazar P; Macpherson, Elizabeth; Willaarts BAThe protection of Chile’s rivers is a matter of ongoing public and constitutional interest in the wake of Chile’s failed 2019–2024 constitutional reforms. In this article we review and evaluate opportunities for greater legal protection and restoration of rivers in Chile. The legal analysis was complemented by a survey of social attitudes about river protection needs and several interviews with key experts and stakeholders, which found strong concern for enhanced river protection mechanisms in Chile. We conclude by outlining critical pathways towards durable legal protections for the future of Chile’s rivers.Item Open Access Criminal Justice and Criminology students’ Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being: A Scoping Review of the Available Research Evidence(Informa UK Limited, online-publication-date) Ware , Jayson; Farley, Helen; Grant, WilliamWorking in the criminal justice sector can be psychologically challenging. It is important that students seeking to join this workforce are adequately prepared for the psychological rigours that they will invariably be exposed to. This paper presents findings from a scoping review examining whether there are mental health-related or psychological well-being issues specific to criminal justice and criminology students and what universities and colleges have done to respond to, or prevent, such issues. Only 15 eligible studies were identified within the published literature with the majority examining potential trauma to criminal justice and criminology students. Only six studies explicitly examined any response to mental health or psychological well-being issues. This paper reflects on the implications of these findings and highlights future directions notably that more attention must be paid to the mental health and overall well-being of criminal justice and criminology students. Despite this recognition, research in this area remains limited, highlighting a critical gap in our understanding of how to support these students effectively.Item Open Access Reconciling guardianship with ownership: Protecting taonga plants, Māori knowledge, and plant variety rights in Aotearoa New Zealand(Wiley, online-publication-date) Jefferson, DavidAbstractThe Plant Variety Rights Act of Aotearoa New Zealand (PVR Act), recently reformed in 2022, adopts new protections for Indigenous relations with native and culturally significant plants, and for traditional knowledge. The Act specifically aims to protect kaitiaki (guardian or caretaker) relationships that Māori have with taonga (treasured, culturally significant) plant species and mātauranga Māori (Indigenous knowledge) in the PVR system. By taking these reforms into account and examining how they may operate in practice, this article considers whether the PVR Act fulfils the constitutional obligations the government owes to Māori under the Treaty of Waitangi | Te Tiriti o Waitangi framework. In addition to conducting a doctrinal assessment of the revised statute, the article undertakes an intellectual property landscape analysis, revealing how PVR systems, both domestically and overseas, have been used by non‐Māori entities to assert ownership claims to varieties of taonga plants in the past. The article further draws upon a third research methodology, presenting initial results from qualitative interviews conducted with Māori and non‐Māori experts in intellectual property, taonga plants, and mātauranga Māori. Synthesising the results of these three forms of investigation, the article argues that while some of the changes made in the PVR Act support the exercise of partial Māori authority in relation to taonga, it remains to be seen whether the Treaty promise of tino rangatiratanga (chieftainship, sovereignty, or self‐determination) can be fully achieved in the PVR system.Item Open Access Introduction to the ‘The Spectral Nature of Intellectual Property’ "Pólemos"(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023) Fish A; Jefferson, David; Ventimiglia AItem Open Access Indigenous rights and ontological plurality in the institutional arrangements for the Waikato and Waipā Rivers in Aotearoa(Informa UK Limited, online-publication-date) Clark C; Fisher K; Macpherson, ElizabethThis paper analyses the institutional arrangements for the Waikato and Waipā Rivers in Aotearoa New Zealand to consider how effectively they promote Indigenous rights and the exercise of Māori law and relationships with place. We ask how these arrangements shape power relations and dynamics among different (human and non-human) actors and whether they foster relationality and create the enabling conditions that generate alternatives to modernist ways of governing. After examining the detail of these complex institutional arrangements in a way that exposes their ontological foundations, this paper argues that, despite limitations, particularly in relation to implementation, these arrangements operate to increase Iwi authority and, thus, promote Indigenous rights, and legal and ontological pluralism. This outcome demonstrates a vibrancy and plurality of thinking in relation to new models of law and institutional arrangements in settler-colonial contexts—beyond those grounded in rights of nature—and that there are a variety of pathways towards the realisation of Indigenous rights and authority, and the related promotion of legal and ontological pluralism.Item Open Access ‘As the Island Choirs Gather’(Brill, 2023) Hopkins, W. John; Natoli , Tommaso; Avila , Leanne... this study will first illustrate how the Pacific Region has known different and discontinuous phases in addressing the causes and the effects of disasters, and how this led to the adoption of a fragmented regional setting (Section 2). Despite that, since 2015, a renewed effort in adopting regional frameworks can be noticed, and this led some PICs to achieve noteworthy regulatory advancements in this field (Section 3). Such reforms are based on pursuing a holistic approach to reducing the risk of disasters (DRR) while contextually adapting to the changing climate and its effects, under both the institutional and normative perspectives. As will be discussed in the conclusions (Section 4), the most recent Pacific regional trends in the Pacific provide reasons for a degree of optimism. However, a number of risks, not only deriving from climate-related threats but also intrinsic to the Pacific governance model itself, loom over the region’s future.Item Open Access The LOSC: A ‘Constitution for the Oceans’ in the Anthropocene?(Brill, 2023) Scott, KarenSince being described as a ‘constitution for the oceans’ at its adoption in 1982, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea has evolved to hold a special status among multilateral treaties. As a constitution—actual or perceived—the has provided the framework and processes for a relatively dynamic law of the sea that has developed to address new environmental, technological and geopolitical challenges in the forty years since its adoption. By necessity however, these developments have been incremental in nature and have been confined by the parameters of the constitution. In this article, I argue that such incremental change will be insufficient if the law of the sea is to adapt to the Anthropocene, our current geological and geopolitical Epoch. In this article, I argue that the characterisation of the as a ‘constitution for the oceans’ has become a straitjacket for the regime and is preventing the serious exploration of alternative epistemological imaginaries of the law of the sea. I argue for a quiet abandonment of the description of the as a ‘constitution for the oceans’ and the actual and perceived consequences of the appellation.Item Open Access To the RescEU? Disaster Risk Management as a Driver for European Integration(2024) Hopkins, W. John; Faulkner , Holly; Clausing , SilkeThe European Union has incrementally expanded its role in the field of disaster risk management (DRM) since the late 1980s. This expansion has often been very slow as states have regularly challenged the EU’s growing role in an area traditionally seen as core member-state business. Nevertheless, the increasing inability of individual Member States to respond effectively to disasters led to the establishment of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) in 2001. The mechanism was significantly strengthened in 2019 with the establishment of the rescEU operational reserve and again in 2021 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This article assesses the development of EU responsibilities in the field the DRM in the context of EU integration. In particular, it asks whether increased risk from natural hazards is creating a new driver towards European co-operation and integration. Will disasters, ironically, play a significant role in ‘rescEU’ing the Union?Item Open Access A Critical Feminist Evaluation of Climate Adaptation Law and Policy: The Case of Aotearoa New Zealand(2024) Macpherson , Elizabeth; Masselot , Annick; Jefferson, David; Gunn , JuliaLaws and policies designed to help communities adapt to the effects of climate change are proliferating around the world. Our analysis of Aotearoa New Zealand’s adaptation policies reveals that the experiences of women are not adequately accounted for, and that technocratic, masculinist, and top-down adaptation approaches have been prioritized over knowledges and approaches from diverse perspectives. We argue for a critical feminist reconceptualization of climate adaptation, based on: (1) taking a relational approach to embedding an ethics of care; (2) putting equity and justice in context; and (3) acknowledging diverse agency and knowledge production. Our approach suggests possible paths toward more inclusive and equitable climate adaptation based on relational understandings of reciprocal, human-environment relationships. This analysis has broad, global relevance for other countries that seek to adopt adaptation policies, by identifying possible new pathways toward just and equitable climate adaptation.Item Open Access Pacific (2021)(Brill, 2023) Hopkins, W. John; Avila LItem Open Access Safe as Houses? The Limits of Seismic Building Regulation in Aotearoa New Zealand(2023) Hopkins, W. JohnIn 2016, the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016 was introduced to address the issue of seismic vulnerability amongst existing buildings in Aotearoa New Zealand. This Act introduced a mandatory scheme to remediate buildings deemed particularly vulnerable to seismic hazard, as recommended by the 2012 Royal Commission into the Canterbury earthquake sequence of 2010–2011. This Earthquake-prone Building (EPB) framework is unusual internationally for the mandatory obligations that it introduces. This article explores and critiques the operation of the scheme in practice through an examination of its implementation provisions and the experiences of more recent seismic events (confirmed by engineering research). This analysis leads to the conclusion that the operation of the current scheme and particularly the application of the concept of EPB vulnerability excludes large numbers of (primarily urban) buildings which pose a significant risk in the event of a significant (but expected) seismic event. As a result, the EPB scheme fails to achieve its goals and instead may create a false impression that it does soItem Open Access Mobile learning in Higher Education: Moving Towards a Framework for Efficacy and Sustainability(2013) Farley, Helen; Murphy, AngelaThe role of mobile technologies in higher education is becoming increasingly important, resulting in a need for theoretical frameworks that provide a sound foundation to support the use of these technologies for effective teaching and learning in a sustainable manner. This review summarises the characteristics of three influential but contrasting theories of mobile learning that have been developed since 2005. These three theories are compared and contrasted according to two categories; namely, the nature of the definition used for the theory and the relationship with existing theories of learning and pedagogical considerations that form the foundation of the theoretical framework. Using the lessons learned from this examination, the authors propose a methodology for creating a pragmatic Mobile Learning Evaluation Framework (MLEF) that is applicable to a variety of contexts and is flexible enough to accommodate the adoption of emerging mobile technologies. This work is already underway and is expected to be completed in 2015.Item Open Access Experiments with the Extension of Legal Personality to Ecosystems and Beyond-Human Organisms: Challenges and Opportunities for Company Law(Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2023) Jefferson, David; Macpherson, Elizabeth; Moe , Stevenin recent years, a number of jurisdictions have recognized diverse ecosystems and other-than-human organisms as legal persons. From national constitutions and legislation to subnational judicial decisions and ordinances, these legal experiments have extended legal personality to riverine and terrestrial ecological communities, including vast geographical areas and the beyond-human beings that inhabit them. A growing body of literature engages with these developments and, in particular, their consequences for states and governments. However, few analyses have considered the practical implications they may present for private organizations operating under company law. We address this research gap and explore potential challenges and opportunities that the recognition of ecosystems as legal persons may create for private legal persons, especially corporations. We also discuss the possible impacts and opportunities of the expansion of legal personality on company law and corporate practice more broadly, arguing for a reimagination of company law. This reimagination embraces an ethics of reciprocity, responsibility, and relationality between corporate entities, and ecological and human communities.Item Open Access Conscription to Fight a War of Aggression under International Criminal Law(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2023) Boister, NeilThe criminalisation of the unlawful use of force in international relations is not usually linked to conscription of an army to fight such a war. However, historical precedent in the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals established that conscription was part of the common plan to wage a war of aggression. After a brief history of conscription and its justifications, this article examines that precedent and then analyses how it could be put to use in a prosecution of the crime of aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Finally, it argues that there is a normative case for the inclusion of conscription within the scope of the crime of aggression because of the harm done to both the conscripts and the state and people of the place they invade.Item Open Access A Prisoners' Island: Teaching Australian Incarcerated Students in the Digital Age(Universtity of Bergen Library, 2014) Hopkins, S; Farley, HelenWhile incarcerated students have always faced many obstacles to full and effective participation in university study, the global shift toward paperless e-learning environments has created new challenges for prisoners without direct internet access. Based on prison focus groups with Australian incarcerated students and direct participant observation while tutoring tertiary students within four Queensland correctional centres, this paper explores the obstacles and constraints faced by incarcerated students in light of the increasing digitisation of materials and methods in higher education. This paper also reviews the outcomes, limitations and challenges of recent Australian projects trialling new internet-independent technologies developed to improve access for incarcerated tertiary students. This paper argues that technology-centred approaches alone will not adequately address the challenges of access for incarcerated students unless such interventions are also informed by an understanding of the sociocultural nature of learning and teaching within correctional centres.Item Open Access Education and vocational training: Why the differences are important(2018) Farley, Helen; Pike ACountries across the world have similar objectives for educating and training their citizens, with demanding targets to promote lifelong learning, mobility, equity, social cohesion and active citizenship. Objectives for educating and training prisoners, however, tend to focus on employment. Important differences in ‘education’ and ‘vocational training’ must be considered for effective planning and delivery, to ensure prisoners have individual choices and opportunities to reach their full potential. The tendency for prison administrators to focus on provision of vocational training to boost post release employment, is interrogated. A more nuanced understanding of the role of education and training in prisons is suggested.Item Open Access International Human Rights Law(2023) Mudgway, Cassandra; Ayoubi, LItem Open Access Barriers and enablers to the use of virtual worlds in higher education: An exploration of educator perceptions, attitudes and experiences(2015) Gregory S; Scutter S; Jacka L; McDonald M; Newman C; Farley, HelenThree-dimensional (3D) virtual worlds have been used for more than a decade in higher education for teaching and learning. Since the 1980s, academics began using virtual worlds as an exciting and innovative new technology to provide their students with new learning experiences that were difficult to provide any other way. But since that time, virtual worlds have failed to maintain their popularity as learning spaces; many builds falling into disuse and many disappearing altogether. The aim of this article is not only to determine why virtual worlds have not become a mainstream teaching tool, but to ascertain why they have even failed to maintain their popularity. In order to do this, the research team surveyed over 200 academics about the barriers and enablers to the use and perceived affordances of virtual worlds in teaching and learning. These responses are examined in relation to academics' past, present and future use, experience and knowledge of virtual world environments.