Business: Chapters and Books

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Organisational Climate, Social Support and Loneliness in the Workplace
    (JAI Press, 2005) Wright, Sarah; Ashkanasy N; Härtel C; Zerbe W
    This paper investigates the relationship between organisational climate, social support and loneliness in the workplace. Data were collected from 362 employees from various occupational groups. Regression analyses presented support for predicted links between community spirit at work, a climate of fear in an organisation, work-based support from co-workers and supervisors, and loneliness at work. The results support the hypothesis that a negative emotional climate and lack of collegial support adversely influences the experience of loneliness in workers. The results suggest that addressing interpersonal problems in the workplace and improving the psychological work environment within an organisation may enhance the social and emotional wellbeing of employees.
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    A Preliminary Comparison of Two Ecosystems: Fintech Opportunities and Challenges for Financial Inclusion
    (Palgrave Studies in Financial Services Technology, 2023) Ranabahu, Nadeera; Walker T; Nikbakht E; Kooli M
    The ecosystem of a country shapes the way FinTech organizations provide services to the poor. Yet, very little attention is given to the financial inclusion agenda and how ecosystems create opportunities and challenges for FinTech organizations. This chapter looks at policy, culture, human capital, finance, market, and support domains to present a preliminary analysis of two ecosystems in South Asia, to identify system level challenges and opportunities for FinTech organizations. The findings highlight that established FinTech organizations in a mature ecosystem have different challenges and opportunities than an ecosystem with emergent FinTechs. Hence, addressing the needs of the poor requires balancing multiple domains within the ecosystem, aligning them with the level of maturity of the system.
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    Disabled Women Entrepreneurs and Microfinance: A Road Less Travelled (For a Reason)?
    (Edward Elgar Publishing (In Print), 2022) Ranabahu, Nadeera; Tanima, F.A.; Yousafzai S; Ng W; Sheikh S; Coogan T
  • ItemOpen Access
    Tourism in the Philippines Through the Gaze of Communities, Hosts and Guests
    (2022) Porter B; Aquino R; Porter B
    This introductory chapter presents an overview of Filipino culture and tourism in the contemporary Filipino society. This chapter situates the diversity of Filipino culture, complexity of the Filipino society, and the role of tourism in host communities in the country. The chapter presents the theming of the edited book, mainly drawn from the concepts of the host gaze, tourist gaze, and researcher’s gaze. Related studies about tourism and tourists in the Philippines are presented as the parts of the book are introduced. The chapter ends by outlining the contents of the book.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Tourism in the Philippine Society: Conclusions and Looking Forward
    (2022) Porter B; Aquino, Richard S.; Aquino R; Porter B
    This edited book uncovered some of the contemporary tourism issues in the Philippines, explored through the perspectives of communities, hosts, tourists (local and foreign), and Filipino scholars. This concluding chapter revisits the contributions from each chapter organized through thematic analysis. Particularly, key findings from the contributions are discussed as they inform two broad themes, namely, the tourism orientation of hosts and guests’ orientation of the Philippines. Implications for furthering knowledge of tourism within the context of Filipino society are outlined.
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    Incentivising Research and Development through Entrepreneurship in New Zealand: Politics to the Fore
    (Springer, 2022) Sawyer, Adrian; Abdellatif M; Tran-Nam B; Ranga M; Hodzic S
    This book examines the role of government fiscal and non-fiscal incentives in spurring innovation and entrepreneurship in developed and developing economies.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Tourism in the Philippines: Conclusions and Implications for Management
    (Springer Singapore, 2022) Porter B; Aquino, Richard S.; Aquino R; Porter B
    Tourism plays a significant role in the Philippines’ socio-economic development. However, an array of management issues persists in achieving the desired sustainable and inclusive development of the tourism industry in the country. This edited book uncovered some of these contemporary tourism management issues organized under broad themes. This concluding chapter articulates the practical findings and implications of the contributions in this volume. Key findings from the contributions are discussed as they relate to the identified broad themes. Implications for applied management are considered and future research directions building from the contributions are discussed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Contemporary Issues in Tourism Management in the Philippines
    (Springer Singapore, 2022) Porter B; Aquino, Richard S.; Aquino R; Porter B
    The Philippines is an emerging tourism destination in Asia. In the last decade, the country’s tourism industry has experienced significant growth in terms of international tourist arrivals and visitor receipts. While sustainable tourism has been institutionalised as a motor for national development, several issues challenging the sustainability and inclusivity of Philippine tourism exist in many destinations in the country today. This introductory chapter provides an overview of the contemporary management issues in Philippine tourism development. The discussion of these issues then articulates the intention and position of this volume. This chapter ends by outlining the intention, parts, and contributions in this volume.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Digitally Prepared? The Journeys of the Revenue Administrations in Australia and New Zealand
    (Routledge, 2022) Granger J; Sawyer, Adrian; Hendriyetty N; Evans C; Kim CJ; Taghizadeh-Hesary F
    This book presents a critical review of the status of tax systems in Asia and the Pacific in the era of the digital economy. This chapter presents an in-depth exploratory case study of the “digital journeys” of Australia and New Zealand to explore how digitalization is shaping revenue administrations. The study applies a tax policy lens and largely positivist approach, with some normative suggestions. While there is no specific theoretical framework, the study observes how institutional factors influence the ability of the state to create productive political relationships with key groups. The digital journeys of both administrations over the last 3 decades include some common features and challenges. The question “Have they done enough, fast enough, to be ready for the challenges of the 21st century digital economy?” is explored by charting the development of digital services in the two countries, the role of smart data exploitation, the emergence of new policies and powers, and both administrations’ readiness to support their governments in responding to the coronavirus disease pandemic. Finally, the “new normal” for these administrations is discussed and some recommendations offered.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Assessing the impacts of social entrepreneurs and social enterprises in tourism
    (Edward Elgar, 2022) Boluk K; Aquino, Richard S.; Stofellen A; Ioannides D
    Tourism social entrepreneurs are considered important stakeholders in sustainable community development. The concept has been gaining attention in the tourism scholarship; however, an examination of the specific impacts made by tourism social entrepreneurs and their enterprises are limited. This chapter therefore aims to examine the impacts of social entrepreneurs and social enterprises in tourism. To reveal the social nature of this entrepreneurial phenomenon in tourism, our analysis was guided by Gartner's (1985) framework for describing new venture creation. By applying Gartner's (1985) framework comprising the individual, the organization, the process, and environment, we draw attention to where the current scholarship is emphasized before we lead into a discussion on the impacts of tourism social entrepreneurs, and opportunities for future scholarship.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A disadvantage to an advantage? Immigrant entrepreneurs’ use of effectuation in business start-up and development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    (Springer International Publishing, 2022) Fozia M; Ranabahu, Nadeera; Dana L-P; Khachlouf N; Maâlaoui A; Ratten V
    This chapter explores how immigrants start and develop businesses in the context of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Using cumulative advantage/disadvantage theory in conjunction with effectuation, the chapter outlines immigrants’ initial resources/means position and how it can be an advantage or a disadvantage for entrepreneurship. The chapter findings illustrate that immigrants use effectuation to either mitigate an initial disadvantaged position or build on an initial advantaged position at the business start-up. The effects are different between first- and second-generation immigrants. Using these findings, the chapter proposes a conceptual framework combining both cumulative advantage/disadvantage theory and effectuation and outlines theoretical, empirical and policy implications.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Promoting Curiosity, Creativity and Clarity in Management Education
    (IntechOpen, 2022) Walsh, Christian; Brito SMDR
    In order for management education to move beyond the analytical thinking of the last century to promote creative thinking more appropriate for today’s organizations we need to build new courses that allow for organic flexible approaches to building diverse types of knowledge. We need to nurture student curiosity and encourage them to delve deeply into unknown fields. By approaching problems with curious humility they can begin to understand the nuances of tensions and trade-offs that exist at the heart of complex issues. We also need to unleash student creativity and support intelligent generative failure in order to learn. They need to learn the skills of experimentation in order to test ideas in uncertain contexts. We also need to promote clarity of purpose and communication that will enable innovation to be implemented and have positive impact in the world. In this chapter a new process model covering each of these aspects is described along with an illustrative example of how this has been applied in a redesigned MBA course over the last 5 years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    How management control practices enable strategic alignment during the product development process
    (Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016) Biswas SSN; Chuang S; Akroyd, Chris
    Purpose - This paper examines how the management control practices of organization members enable the alignment of product development projects with potentially conflicting corporate strategies during the product development process. Methodology/approach - Using an ethnomethodology informed research approach, we carry out a case study of an innovative New Zealand food company. Case study data included an internal company document, interviews with organization members, and an external market analysis document. Findings - Our case study company had both sales growth and profit growth corporate strategies which have been argued to cause tensions. We found that four management control practices enabled the alignment of product development projects to these strategies. The first management control practice was having the NPD and marketing functions responsible for different corporate strategies. Other management control practices included the involvement of organization members from across multiple functions, the activities they carried out, and the measures used to evaluate project performance during the product development process. Research limitations/implications - These findings add new insights to the management accounting literature by showing how a combination of management control practices can be used by organization members to align projects with potentially conflicting corporate strategies during the product development process. Practical implications - While the alignment of product development projects to corporate strategy is not easy this study shows how it can be enabled through a number of management control practices. Originality/value - We contribute to the management accounting research in this area by extending our understanding of the management control practices used during the product development process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Chapter 2: Beyond budgeting: Distinguishing modes of adaptive performance management
    (2017) O'Grady W; Scott I; Akroyd, Chris
    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes organizations can adopt to move beyond budgeting. We show how these changes can be understood as modes of adaptive performance management that explains the ways in which organizations move beyond budgeting to become more adaptive. The proposed modes are then used to derive propositions for future research. Methodology/approach: We follow a conceptual approach through an analysis of the beyond budgeting principles using the management and systems literatures on radical decentralization. We theorize how organizations can enhance their adaptability to environmental uncertainty through changes to their management structure and control processes. Findings: We show that organizations can move beyond budgeting by decentralizing within or beyond their management structure and modifying or removing their budget-based control processes. We propose that beyond budgeting can be conceptualized as four modes of adaptive performance management: better budgeting, advanced budgeting, restricted budgeting, and nonbudgeting. Research limitations/implications: The four modes of adaptive performance management can be used in future research to consider how changes to management structures and budget-based control processes can enhance the organizational adaptability needed to manage environmental uncertainty. Practical implications: We show that while the nonbudgeting mode may be most suited to organizations facing high levels of environmental uncertainty, organizations facing low-to-moderate levels of environmental uncertainty can achieve sufficient levels of adaptability with less extensive changes to management structure and budget-based control processes. Originality/value: The four modes of adaptive performance management reflect different approaches for dealing with environmental uncertainty. Positioning nonbudgeting as one mode and identifying alternate modes of adaptive performance management provides a basis for comparing and understanding the changes organizations make to move beyond budgeting.
  • ItemOpen Access
    From Taking Flight to Putting Down Roots: A Narrative Perspective of the Entrepreneurial Journey of a Refugee
    (Palgrave, 2021) de Vries, Huibert; Ranabahu, N.; Basharati, Zhiyan; Cooney T
    Introduction: Significant world events in the first two decades of the twenty-first century have highlighted the impact of global mobility on the interrelationships between and within countries and communities. Factors such as the European refugee crisis, political turbulence in Venezuela, the growth of economic migrants and the general globalisation of human capital, has raised global awareness regarding movements of both voluntarily and displaced people. It has also engendered an ongoing debate regarding the impacts of these movements of people and it has created public disquiet regarding how to resolve the complex economic, political, social and cultural issues surrounding the integration of the world’s displaced people. The plight of displaced people is nothing new, as humanitarian principles of offering refuge to such people dates back to the 17th Century (Bakewell, 1999). Currently ‘displaced people’ is a term used to describe those that have been victims of severe disruption within and between societies (Newman, 2003, p.5). Such displacement can be from conflicts such as civil wars (Fazel, Reed, Panter-Brick, & Stein, 2012), economic collapse of the state (Newman, 2003), political unrest (Miyares, 1998), persecution due to race, religion or nationality (Newman, 2003; Sulaiman-Hill & Thompson, 2013) and environmental displacement (Moberg, 2009). Newman (2003, p.9) reasoned that: “the distinction between different types of immigrants – including asylum seekers, economic migrants, and those displaced by war and in need of temporary protection – is often clearer in theory than in reality.” Current definitions have been criticised as excluding a great many of the world’s displaced people. For example, existing international legal instruments do not adequately deal with the current reality of asylum needs (Newman, 2003) or those displaced by natural disaster (Moberg, 2009). As a further cautionary note, there are also some concerns about validity regarding records of the number of displaced persons (Bakewell, 1999). Gemenne (2011) argued that estimates and predictions are often generated for media attention rather than being empirically grounded. They also contend that it can be difficult to provide accurate data from developing countries which lack the statistical capacity to monitor migration movements. To further complicate matters, there can be issues of people inhabiting borderless zones between countries (Tangseefa, 2006) and there is a lack of acknowledgement of persecution that occurs within private settings – especially those affecting women (Boyd, 1999). Despite disagreements on definition, there is broad concurrence that the worldwide measuring and classification of the various displaced people is significant from a sheer mass perspective. Within the world’s estimated migrant population of 258 million (United Nations, 2017), recent international data indicates that 68.5 million of these are forcibly displaced. These have been classified as: 25.4 million refugees, of which over one half of whom are under the age of 18; 3.1 million asylum seekers and 40 million internally displaced people. Eighty-five percent of these displaced people are in developing countries (UNHCR, 2019b). Furthermore, there has been a rapid increase in displaced people worldwide. Heilbrunn et al. (2019) have observed that internally displaced asylum seekers and refugees have increased from 17 million in 2000 to 67.75 million in 2016, with a major recent spike in numbers since 2014 (when they were estimated at 35.85 million), thereby recording the highest level of migration in the world’s history.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effectuation thinking and the manifestation of socio-cultural complexities in Sri Lankan female entrepreneurs' business decisions
    (Routledge, 2018) Ranabahu, N.; Barrett M; Yousafzai S; Lindgreen A; Saeed S; Henry C; Fayolle A
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Economic Integration of Women Refugee Entrepreneurs in New Zealand
    (Routledge, 2021) Ranabahu, N.; de Vries HP; Basharati Z; McAdam M; Cunningham JA
    Forcible displacement and asylum-seeking experiences shape refugee women’s social and economic integration into host communities. Applying a mixed-embeddedness theoretical frame, this chapter studies how women refugees’ asylum-seeking journey and resettlement experience shaped their business start-up and development in the host country. We chronicled four women refugee entrepreneurs in New Zealand to illustrate the social, cultural, economic and institutional factors that affect their everyday businesses experiences. These experiences are embedded in multiple contextual layers related to home country, transitional journey and host country events. Business activities require both adult and young women, who arrived in New Zealand as refugees, to reconcile their host and home country identities and asylum-seeking journey. These findings advance the mixed-embeddedness narrative on refugee women in business.
  • ItemOpen Access
    New Zealand
    (IBFD, 2019) Sawyer A; Smith A; Lang M; Owens J; Pistone P; Rust A; Schuch J; Staringer C
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Effectiveness of Tax Reviews in New Zealand: An Evaluation and Proposal for Improvement
    (Centre for Commercial and Corproiate Law Inc, 2020) Sawyer A
    To improve the quality of recommendations arising from regular reviews of the tax system, a permanent oversight body that is ‘independent’ of the Government is developed. Drawing from earlier work, as well as considering existing structures that could be modified, this book provides the basis for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of tax reform advice in New Zealand. Its major contribution, other than the historical review, is to reflect on experience, and consequently, propose a new form of independent tax oversight body, established as a Crown entity, to be known as the New Zealand Taxation Review Commission (NZTRC).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Chapter 25: Controlled Foreign Company Legislation in New Zealand
    (IBFD, 2020) Sawyer A; Smith A; Kofler G; Lang M; Owens J; Pistone P; Rust A; Schuch J; Spies K; Staringe C
    New Zealand enacted controlled foreign company (CFC) legislation in 1988 along with complementary legislation covering the taxation of foreign investment funds (FIFs) and offshore trusts. The CFC rules came into effect in several stages with the first part targeting companies resident in a list of nil or low-tax jurisdictions from 1 April 1988, while, for companies resident in other states, from 1 April 1993.