Coalescent experiments I: Unlabeled n-coalescent and the site frequency spectrum

dc.contributor.authorSainudiin, R.
dc.contributor.authorThornton, K.
dc.contributor.authorGriffiths, R.
dc.contributor.authorMcVean, G.
dc.contributor.authorDonnelly, P.
dc.description.abstractWe derive the transition structure of a Markovian lumping of Kingman’s n-coalescent [1, 2]. Lumping a Markov chain is meant in the sense of [3, def. 6.3.1]. The lumped Markov process, referred as the unlabeled n-coalescent, is a continuous-time Markov chain on the set of all integer partitions of the sample size n. We derive the backward-transition, forward-transition, state-specific, and sequence-specific probabilities of this chain. We show that the likelihood of any given site-frequency-spectrum (SFS), a commonly used statistics in genome scans, from a locus free of intra-locus recombination, can be directly obtained by integrating conditional realizations of the unlabeled n-coalescent. We develop a controlled Markov chain for importance sampling such integrals from an augmented unlabeled n-coalescent forward in time. We apply the methods to population-genetic data to conduct demographic inference at the empirical resolution of the site-frequency-spectra. We also extend a family of classical hypothesis tests of standard neutrality at a non-recombining locus based on any statistics of the SFS to a more powerful version that conditions on the topological information contained in the SFS. We formalize a graph of coalescent experiments to set a decision-theoretic stage for population genetic inference across different empirical resolutions.en
dc.identifier.citationSainudiin, R., Thornton, K., Griffiths, R., McVean, G., Donnelly, P. (2009) Coalescent experiments I: Unlabeled n-coalescent and the site frequency spectrum. UCDMS Research Report 2009/7. 29pp..en
dc.publisherDepartment of Mathematics & Statisticsen
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Mathematics and Statisticsen
dc.subjectStatistical decision theory of population genetic experimentsen
dc.subjectpartially ordered n-coalescent experiments graphen
dc.subjectcontrolled Markov chain for importance samplingen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::230000 Mathematical Sciences::239900 Other Mathematical Sciences::239901 Biological Mathematicsen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::270000 Biological Sciences::270200 Geneticsen
dc.titleCoalescent experiments I: Unlabeled n-coalescent and the site frequency spectrumen
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