Optical Music Recognition: Feature Identification

dc.contributor.authorBainbridge, D.
dc.descriptionTR-COSC 02/95en
dc.description.abstractAlthough it has been less than a year since the last progress report, work has reached a natural ‘break-point’ offering an opportunity to describe what has been accomplished as well as gathering thoughts on the future. For a broader picture of how the implemented work fits into the general design, the reader is directed towards [Bai94a], which describes a complete Optical Music Recognition system. Since it is possible for a piece of music to include arbitrary graphics [1], it is impossible to design an OMR system that can process all music. The key idea, therefore, expressed in [Bai94a] is to provide a versatile foundation that can be built upon by individual users to generate particular instances of the system capable of recognising a particular class of music notation. Such a philosophy is reminiscent of Computer Aided Design (CAD). Similar to this area, the user should be encouraged to utilise sound software engineering principles. The proposed system could be thought of as a Computer Aided Music Recognition (CAMR). The main body of this report describes the implemented work. The topics: staff separation; primitive identification; primitive data tabulation; drawing package development; prototype [2] musical feature classifier extensions; and miscellaneous items are discussed in turn. The report concludes by reflecting on the completed work as well as contemplating how the remaining problems may be solved.en
dc.identifier.citationBainbridge, D. (1995) Optical Music Recognition: Feature Identification..en
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Computer Science and Software Engineeringen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::280000 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences::280300 Computer Softwareen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::280000 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences::280100 Information Systemsen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::280000 Information, Computing and Communication Sciences::280400 Computation Theory and Mathematicsen
dc.titleOptical Music Recognition: Feature Identificationen
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