Overcoming Fundamental Limitations in Adsorbent Design: Alkene Adsorption by Non-porous Copper(I) Complexes

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Journal Article
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Parasar D
Elashkar AH
Yakovenko AA
Jayaratna NB
Edwards BL
Telfer SG
Dias HVR
Cowan, Matthew Greig

Purifying alkenes from alkanes requires cryogenic distillation. This consumes energy equivalent to countries of ca. 5 million people. Replacing distillation with adsorption processes would significantly increase energy efficiency. Trade-offs between kinetics, selectivity, capacity, and heat of adsorption have prevented production of an optimal adsorbent. We report adsorbents that overcome these trade-offs. [Cu-Br]3 and [Cu-H]3 are air-stable trinuclear complexes that undergo reversible solid-state inter-molecular rearrangements to produce dinuclear [Cu-Br⋅(alkene)]2 and [Cu-H⋅(alkene)]2. The reversible solid-state rearrangement, confirmed in situ using powder X-ray diffraction, allows adsorbent design trade-offs to be overcome, coupling low heat of adsorption (−10 to −17 kJ mol−1alkene), high alkene:alkane selectivity (47; 29), and uptake capacity (>2.5 molalkene mol−1Cu3). Most remarkably, [Cu-H]3 displays fast uptake and regenerates capacity within 10 minutes.

Parasar D, Elashkar AH, Yakovenko AA, Jayaratna NB, Edwards BL, Telfer SG, Dias HVR, Cowan MG (2020). Overcoming Fundamental Limitations in Adsorbent Design: Alkene Adsorption by Non-porous Copper(I) Complexes. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 59(47). 21001-21006.
X-ray diffraction, adsorption, alkenes, copper, olefin separation
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
34 - Chemical sciences::3405 - Organic chemistry::340505 - Physical organic chemistry
40 - Engineering::4004 - Chemical engineering::400409 - Separation technologies
40 - Engineering::4004 - Chemical engineering::400403 - Chemical engineering design
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