Spectroscopy, crystal-field, and transition intensity analyses of the C3v(O2−) Centre in Er3+ Doped CaF2 Crystals

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Journal Article
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Elsevier BV
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Moull , M. D.
Martin , J. B. L.
Newman, T. G. M.
Jeffery , A. L.
Bartholomew , J. G.
Wells , J. -P. R.
Reid, Michael

Erbium ions in crystals show considerable promise for the technologies that will form the backbone of future networked quantum information technology. Despite advances in leveraging erbium’s fibre-compatible infrared transition for classical and quantum applications, the transitions are, in general, not well understood. We present detailed absorption and laser site-selective spectroscopy of the C3v(O2−) centre in CaF2 :Er3+ as an interesting erbium site case study. The 4 I15∕2Z1 → 4 I13∕2Y1 transition has a low-temperature inhomogeneous linewidth of 1 GHz with hyperfine structure observable from the 167Er isotope. A parametrized crystal-field Hamiltonian is fitted to 34 energy levels and the two ground state magnetic splitting factors. The wavefunctions are used to perform a transition intensity analysis and electric-dipole parameters are fitted to absorption oscillator strengths. Simulated spectra for the 4 I11∕2 → 4 I15∕2 and 4 I13∕2 → 4 I15∕2 inter-multiplet transitions are in excellent agreement with the experimentally measured spectra. The 4 I13∕2 excited state lifetime is 25.0 ms and the intensity calculation is in excellent agreement with this value.

Moull MD, Martin JBL, Newman TGM, Jeffery AL, Bartholomew JG, Wells J-PR, Reid MF (2024). Spectroscopy, crystal-field, and transition intensity analyses of the C3v(O2−) Centre in Er3+ Doped CaF2 Crystals
rare-earth, crystal-field analysis, spectroscopy, Erbium, CaF2, quantum technologies
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
34 - Chemical sciences::3402 - Inorganic chemistry::340202 - Crystallography
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