Gender Differences in Satisfaction Ratings for Nicotine Electronic Cigarettes by First-Time Users

dc.contributor.authorGrace, R.C.
dc.contributor.authorKivell, B.M.
dc.contributor.authorLaugesen, M.
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Nicotine electronic cigarettes (NECs) are becoming increasingly popular as a potentially safer alternative to tobacco but little is known regarding their subjective effects, including possible gender differences. Method. Participants were New Zealand smokers with no intention to quit (N=357) and whom had never used an NEC. During an interview in November-December 2012, participants sampled an NEC and rated it and their own-brand tobacco for satisfaction on a 10-point visual analogue scale. Participants were contacted again in February-March 2013 after a 10% increase in the tobacco excise tax on 1 January 2013. Results. Overall participants rated NECs 83.3% as satisfying as own-brand tobacco. Females rated NECs more highly than males. Of those who agreed to be re-interviewed (n=227), 37.8% said they had cut back or made a change in their smoking habit and 7% had quit in February-March 2013. NEC satisfaction ratings predicted changes in smoking habit and reductions in nicotine dependence after controlling for covariates including demographic variables, factory-made vs. roll-your-own tobacco preference, and addiction scores. Conclusion. Smokers' first impressions of NECs were very favourable, and were correlated with readiness to change after a tobacco tax increase. NECs appear to be particularly attractive for female smokers, and their use may help to improve the efficacy of nicotine replacement therapy for women.en
dc.identifier.citationGrace, R.C., Kivell, B.M., Laugesen, M. (2015) Gender Differences in Satisfaction Ratings for Nicotine Electronic Cigarettes by First-Time Users. Addictive Behaviors, 50, pp. 140-143.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Psychologyen
dc.subjectelectronic cigarettesen
dc.subjectsubjective effectsen
dc.subjectnicotine dependenceen
dc.subjectnicotine replacement therapyen
dc.subjectgender differencesen
dc.subject.anzsrcField of Research::17 - Psychology and Cognitive Sciences::1701 - Psychology::170105 - Gender Psychologyen
dc.subject.anzsrcField of Research::17 - Psychology and Cognitive Sciences::1701 - Psychology::170112 - Sensory Processes, Perception and Performanceen
dc.titleGender Differences in Satisfaction Ratings for Nicotine Electronic Cigarettes by First-Time Usersen
dc.typeJournal Article
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