Beyond the Veil: Genre hybridity, cultural specificity and anthology media in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Journal Article
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Harrington, Erin

The Aotearoa New Zealand television anthology, Beyond the Veil, offers stand-alone horror and supernatural shorts from Māori, Sāmoan, Filipino and Chinese New Zealand storytellers. Focusing on the Sāmoan found footage horror episode ‘26:29’ and drawing from internal government agency documentation, this article suggests that the state-funded series leverages the strengths of short-form story-telling, and the unique textual features of the anthology format, to offer a playful, often pointed counter to dominant (i.e. Pākehā/New Zealand European, Anglo-American) cultural and horror narratives, while creating much-needed opportunities for culturally responsive stories and production practices. These concerns are contextualized within an account of genre-led storytelling and the emergence in recent years of the anthology form as a powerful political site of Indigenous, immigrant and diaspora-led filmmaking practice in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Harrington E (2024). Beyond the Veil: Genre hybridity, cultural specificity and anthology media in Aotearoa New Zealand. Short Film Studies. 14(1). 29-42.
found footage, horror, NZ On Air, supernatural, Te Māngai Pāho, TVNZ, media funding, Sāmoan media
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
Pāpāho | Pāho; Paoho; Pāoho; Whakapaoho; Broadcasting; Mass media
ANZSRC fields of research
36 - Creative arts and writing::3605 - Screen and digital media::360505 - Screen media
36 - Creative arts and writing::3605 - Screen and digital media::360501 - Cinema studies
36 - Creative arts and writing::3601 - Art history, theory and criticism::360104 - Visual cultures
47 - Language, communication and culture::4702 - Cultural studies::470214 - Screen and media culture
47 - Language, communication and culture::4702 - Cultural studies::470208 - Culture, representation and identity
47 - Language, communication and culture::4702 - Cultural studies::470211 - Migrant cultural studies
47 - Language, communication and culture::4702 - Cultural studies::470206 - Cultural studies of nation and region
47 - Language, communication and culture::4702 - Cultural studies
45 - Indigenous studies::4513 - Pacific Peoples culture, language and history::451312 - Pacific Peoples media, film, animation and photography
45 - Indigenous studies::4507 - Te ahurea, reo me te hītori o te Māori (Māori culture, language and history)::450714 - Ngā arapāho, ngā kiriata, te hākoritanga me te hopu whakaahua o te Māori (Māori media, film, animation and photography)
47 - Language, communication and culture::4701 - Communication and media studies::470107 - Media studies
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