Understanding how teachers perceive socio-emotional wellbeing: Contributing to the development of a linguistically and culturally responsive SEW framework in Aotearoa New Zealand

dc.contributor.authorMartin R
dc.contributor.authorDenston A
dc.contributor.authorFickel L
dc.contributor.authorO'Toole V
dc.description.abstractThe overall purpose of the research was two-fold: 1) to develop a context-sensitive, shared understanding of socio-emotional wellbeing and learning with teachers; and 2) to support teachers in developing and implementing SEL-focused pedagogies that enhance support for students’ identities, languages, and cultures that are inclusive of the bicultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand.en
dc.identifier.citationMartin R, Denston A, Fickel L, O'Toole V (2021). Understanding how teachers perceive socio-emotional wellbeing: Contributing to the development of a linguistically and culturally responsive SEW framework in Aotearoa New Zealand. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand: 13th Educational Psychology Forum. 01/02/2012-02/02/2021.en
dc.rightsAll rights reserved unless otherwise stateden
dc.subject.anzsrcField of Research::13 - Education::1303 - Specialist Studies in Education::130313 - Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educatorsen
dc.subject.anzsrcField of Research::13 - Education::1303 - Specialist Studies in Education::130302 - Comparative and Cross-Cultural Educationen
dc.subject.mshNga Upoko Tukutuku / Maori Subject Headings::Hauora | Health::Ora | Alive; Living; Well-being::Hauora hinengaro | Mental healthen
dc.subject.mshNga Upoko Tukutuku / Maori Subject Headings::Mātauranga | Education::Waihanga | Teaching methodsen
dc.titleUnderstanding how teachers perceive socio-emotional wellbeing: Contributing to the development of a linguistically and culturally responsive SEW framework in Aotearoa New Zealanden
dc.typeConference Contributions - Otheren
uc.collegeFaculty of Education
uc.departmentCollege of Education, Health and Human Development
uc.departmentSchool of Educational Studies and Leadership
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