Where angels fear to tread.
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This study relates my experience as a new Head of English, facilitating Information Communication Technology Professional Development promote innovative practice in a secondary school. It describes my journey, learning about leadership and change management. I trialled initiatives in an attempt to promote a more constructivist teaching and learning culture within the department. The story documents English teachers' Information and Communication Technology skills, knowledge and understandings in using ICTs in their classes and examines to what extent and in what ways their beliefs impact on the design of their classroom learning environments. The literature review examines the impact of ICT on teaching and learning, online learning, ICT professional development, and leadership. Computer access, reliability, time and the teachers' pedagogy (geared to high stakes assessment) were identified as barriers to the implementation of ICT initiatives. Leadership in times of change requires a reflective process which promotes collaboration. An inflexible approach, as outlined in this study, fosters resistance.