Culture, experience and the construction of views on coaching: implications for the uptake of Game Sense

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Journal Article
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Hassanin R
Light RL

Despite the apparent efficacy of Game Sense in coaching and interest in it across the world its uptake by coaches still appears to be relatively limited. One of the reasons is the way it can conflict with the views and deeply held beliefs about coaching that are developed unquestionably over time. These views and beliefs are acutely shaped by experience; however, the processes involved in the construction of these views and beliefs are not yet well understood. This article draws on a study that inquired into how and what rugby coaches learn through experience, and the role that the socio-cultural context plays in shaping the development of their beliefs, to suggest how this may dispose them towards player centred pedagogies such as Game Sense. The findings reported are evidence of the importance of the social and cultural contexts that shape coaches’ views and beliefs of coaching.

Hassanin R, Light RL (2015). The influence of cultural context on rugby coaches' beliefs about coaching. Sport Coaching Review. 3(2). 132-144.
rugby, coach development, Game Sense, experience, coaching beliefs
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::39 - Education::3901 - Curriculum and pedagogy::390111 - Physical education and development curriculum and pedagogy