A short history of the Canterbury College (University of New Zealand) ; with a register of graduates and associates of the college

Type of content
Authored Books
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Thesis discipline
Degree name
Whitcombe and Tombs
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Volume Title
Hight, James
Candy, Alice M. F.

The purpose and occasion of this work are sufficiently indicated by the title-page and the reference in ChapterXXVI., page 154.

Those concerned in its preparation regret that its publication has been delayed, but the delay has been inevitable owing to the great pressure of other work upon the compilers as well as to the very great difficulties encountered in obtaining accurate biographical information of graduates, one of these being the failure of a great many concerned to respond to the questionnaires issued. As it is, there are, no doubt, many gaps to be filled and mistakes to be rectified whenever the next Register of Graduates is issued.

The historical sketch has been necessarily limited by considerations of space and finance, and a great amount of interesting material gleaned by the researches finds no place herein. It is hoped that the short bibliography will be of use to those desiring further information on particular points, and, further, that the College "Review" may from time to time publish articles supplementing this work.

It has been found impracticable to print in the Register, as was first intended, the names of all members of the College, undergraduate and graduate. Only the smaller list of graduates and associates is now published-though many who began a university course at Canterbury College and for various reasons left without completing it, have achieved distinction in various walks of life-in politics, journalism, literature, and the various professions. Wherever the information has been available the biographical detail has been brought down to 1923, and in some few cases to the date of publication.

The names of those who pursued part of their course for a New Zealand Degree at Canterbury and the remainder elsewhere have been included in the Register.

Acknowledgments are due to many who have helped in various ways: to Mr. F. J. B. Murray, M.A., for the use of his unpublished researchers into the history of the College to 1896; to officials of various College Clubs for information gathered from their minute books, in particular to Miss Margaret Walker, B.A., and Messrs. A. J. Harrop, MA., A. H. Jecks, and G. G. Lockwood, LL.B.; to Mrs. J. P. Grossmann, Mrs. Barrar, Miss Ethel Gibson, Mrs. A. J. Merton, and Mr. H. Wilson for the loan of photographs and drawings.

The chapter on the School of Engineering has had the advantage of careful revision by Emeritus-Professor R. J. Scott and Mr. Alex. F. Morrison; and the whole work has been read in MS. by Mr. H. D. Acland, Chairman of the Board.

The writers wish to express to those many colleagues graduates, and students who have helped them in various ways, their sincere thanks for the services so willingly rendered.

Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::39 - Education::3903 - Education systems::390303 - Higher education
Fields of Research::39 - Education::3904 - Specialist studies in education::390403 - Educational administration, management and leadership