Real-Time Quantitative Analysis and Surface Registration of Medical Scan Data

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Discussion / Working Papers
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University of Canterbury
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Bentley, Richard

Several medical scanning techniques provide data about a volume that is being scanned in a series of slices. The term volume refers to some object of interest being scanned, usually a closed three-dimensional object. For example, a volume could be a kidney or a bone fragment. Edge analysis can be performed to obtain a contour of the volume's surface for each slice. Operations such as quantitative analysis and surface registration are often performed only after the complete scanning of a volume. Quantitative analysis involves obtaining numerical information from the scanned data, such as calculating the volume and surface area of the scanned object. Surface registration refers to the process of aligning two or more sets of scan data obtained from the same or similar volumes. Differences between the aligned objects may then be analysed. The objective of this project has been to investigate the possibility of providing operations such as those described above in real-time, as the scanning of a volume is performed. Also while a volume is being scanned, an estimate of the accuracy of such operations could be calculated. If the results of these operations are wanted to a certain level of accuracy, the scanning could continue until the accuracy reaches the required level.

Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Field of Research::08 - Information and Computing Sciences
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