The Development of Virtual World Tools to Enhance Learning and Real World Decision Making in the Australian Sugar Farming Industry

Type of content
Journal Article
Thesis discipline
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International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
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Cliffe N
Doyle J
Lindesay J
Loch A
Maraseni T
Marcussen T
Martin N
Mushtaq S
Ostini J
Reardon-Smith K

In farming, the outcome of critical decisions to enhance productivity and profitability and so ensure the viability of farming enterprises is often influenced by seasonal conditions and weather events over the growing season. This paper reports on a project that uses cutting-edge advances in digital technologies and their application in learning environments to develop and evaluate a web-based virtual ‘discussion-support’ system for improved climate risk management in Australian sugar farming systems. Customized scripted video clips (machinima) are created in the Second Life virtual world environment. The videos use contextualized settings and lifelike avatar actors to model conversations about climate risk and key farm operational decisions relevant to the real-world lives and practices of sugarcane farmers. The tools generate new cognitive schema for farmers to access and provide stimuli for discussions around how to incorporate an understanding of climate risk into operational decision-making. They also have potential to provide cost-effective agricultural extension which simulates real world face-to-face extension services but is accessible anytime anywhere.

Cliffe N, Doyle J, Farley H, Lindesay J, Loch A, Maraseni T, Marcussen T, Martin N, Mushtaq S, Ostini J, Reardon-Smith K, Stone R The Development of Virtual World Tools to Enhance Learning and Real World Decision Making in the Australian Sugar Farming Industry. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC). 7(3). 17-17.
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::30 - Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences::3002 - Agriculture, land and farm management::300210 - Sustainable agricultural development
Fields of Research::41 - Environmental sciences::4101 - Climate change impacts and adaptation::410102 - Ecological impacts of climate change and ecological adaptation
Fields of Research::46 - Information and computing sciences::4607 - Graphics, augmented reality and games::460706 - Serious games
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