Special-class intermediate pupils in the school library

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Theses / Dissertations
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Master of Education
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Jury, Faye Kathleen

A detailed examination of the behaviours of 78 specialĀ­ class intermediate pupils during their weekly library period revealed that 91.5% of their behaviours related to library usage, while only 8.5% were unrelated.Behaviours which occurred most frequently were interactions, browsing, reading and listening. Behaviours which occurred least frequently were use of the catalogue cabinet and the shelving of books. No instances of reference material use were recorded. When gender and independent reading level were taken into account, small differences in the kinds of library behaviours engaged in by pupils became apparent and when pupil behaviours were analyzed by school class, variations were also evident. In two classes teacher structuring of the library period contributed to these variations. School records of emotional and behavioural instability were poor indicators of pupil participation in library activities except in relation to two pupils. The reading interests of pupils were also analyzed and of the reading material chosen by pupils, 59. 1% was non-fiction and 40.9% was fiction. When gender and independent reading level were considered, slight differences between boys and girls and among high, average and low achieving readers became apparent.

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