A cross channel comparison of the illustration of the capital cities in Augustus Charles Pugin's Paris and its Environs and Gustave Doré's London: A Pilgrimage

Type of content
Theses / Dissertations
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Thesis discipline
Art History
Degree name
Master of Art
University of Canterbury. Fine Arts
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Quinlan, Andrea Elizabeth

This thesis presents a close comparison of Augustus Charles Pugin's illustrations for Paris and its Environs and Gustave Doré's illustrations for London: A Pilgrimage. This comparison will reveal what is distinctive about each publication. To achieve this, the thesis begins with a consideration of how these illustrated books fit into the oeuvres of the artists and writers involved, and how the works were subsequently received. The thesis then seeks to discover the ways the books adhere to the picturesque and Realist aesthetic modes. A comparison of the representation of social and political issues within the publications reveals how the city is either celebrated or critiqued in them. This is extended by a comparison with other English views of Paris and French views of London. The thesis concludes with the suggestion that the works under consideration are akin to illustrated guidebooks and novels. The illustrations themselves form the primary evidence for this comparison, supplemented by the accompanying written texts and other sources - including contemporary periodicals and biographical material. Paris and its Environs is a significant work within Pugin's oeuvre and shows how he created a view of Paris which would appeal to the tastes and aspirations of his readers. With London: A Pilgrimage, Doré created a view of London which would entertain his English audience but challenge them at the same time.

Nineteenth century art, Gustave Dore, Augustus Charles Pugin, London: A pilgrimage, Paris and its environs, illustration, guidebooks, steel engraving, wood engraving, French art, British art
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Copyright Andrea Elizabeth Quinlan