OGLE-2017-BLG-0406: Spitzer Microlens Parallax Reveals Saturn-mass Planet orbiting M-dwarf Host in the Inner Galactic Disk

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Hirao Y
Bennett DP
Ryu Y-H
Koshimoto N
Udalski A
Yee JC
Sumi T
Bond IA
Shvartzvald Y
Abe F

We report the discovery and analysis of the planetary microlensing event OGLE 2017-BLG-0406, which was observed both from the ground and by the Spitzer satellite in a solar orbit. At high magnification, the anomaly in the light curve was densely observed by ground-based-survey and follow-up groups, and it was found to be explained by a planetary lens with a planet/host mass ratio of q = 7.0 × 10−4 from the light curve modeling. The ground-only and Spitzer-“only” data each provide very strong one-dimensional (1-D) constraints on the 2-D microlens parallax vector πE. When combined, these yield a precise measurement of πE, and so of the masses of the host Mhost = 0.56 ± 0.07 M and planet Mplanet = 0.41 ± 0.05 MJup. The system lies at a distance DL = 5.2 ± 0.5 kpc from the Sun toward the Galactic bulge, and the host is more likely to be a disk population star according to the kinematics of the lens. The projected separation of the planet from the host is a⊥ = 3.5 ± 0.3 au, i.e., just over twice the snow line. The Galactic-disk kinematics are established in part from a precise measurement of the source proper motion based on OGLE-IV data. By contrast, the Gaia proper-motion measurement of the source suffers from a catastrophic 10 σ error.

Hirao Y, Bennett DP, Ryu Y-H, Koshimoto N, Udalski A, Yee JC, Sumi T, Bond IA, Shvartzvald Y, Abe F, Barry RK, Bhattacharya A, Donachie M, Fukui A, Itow Y, Kondo I, Li MCA, Matsubara Y, Matsuo T, Miyazaki S, Muraki Y, Nagakane M, Ranc C, Rattenbury NJ, Suematsu H, Shibai H, Suzuki D, Tristram PJ, Yonehara A, Skowron J, Poleski R, Mroz P, Szymanski MK, Soszynski I, Kozlowski S, Pietrukowicz P, Ulaczyk K, Rybicki K, Iwanek P, Albrow MD, Chung S-J, Gould A, Han C, Hwang K-H, Jung YK, Shin I-G, Zang W, Cha S-M, Kim D-J, Kim H-W, Kim S-L, Lee C-U, Lee D-J, Lee Y, Park B-G, Pogge RW, Beichman CA, Bryden G, Novati SC, Carey S, Gaudi BS, Henderson CB, Zhu W, Bachelet E, Bolt G, Christie G, Hundertmark M, Natusch T, Maoz D, McCormick J, Street RA, Tan T-G, Tsapras Y, Jorgensen UG, Dominik M, Bozza V, Skottfelt J, Snodgrass C, Ciceri S, Jaimes RF, Evans DF, Peixinho N, Hinse TC, Burgdorf MJ, Southworth J, Rahvar S, Sajadian S, Rabus M, Essen CV, Fujii YI, Campbell-White J, Lowry S, Helling C, Mancini L, Haikala L, Kandori R OGLE-2017-BLG-0406: Spitzer Microlens Parallax Reveals Saturn-mass Planet orbiting M-dwarf Host in the Inner Galactic Disk.
Gravitational microlensing, Gravitational microlensing exoplanet detection
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::51 - Physical sciences::5101 - Astronomical sciences
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