Sustainable prosperity and enterprises for Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand: A review of the literature

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Journal Article
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Neha T
Macfarlane A
Macfarlane S
Clarke TH
Derby M
Torepe T
Duckworth F
Gibson M
Fletcher J

The purpose of this paper is to explore recent literature on ways that Māori (the Indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand) have developed strategies to attain sustainable prosperity and develop effective enterprises. The introduction discusses the contextual and historical background realities for Māori, and the rights of Indigenous people. Next, section one looks at workplace pathways for rangatahi (young adult Māori) and whanau (family). Following that, section two outlines the aim of the literature review and the research methodology/protocols. Section three contains the review of the literature which includes four key themes for mana (sociocultural wellbeing) constructs, wairua (spirituality) and cultural taxation. Finally, section four (the conclusions) draws together the findings from the literature.

Neha T, Macfarlane A, Macfarlane S, Clarke TH, Derby M, Torepe T, Duckworth F, Gibson M, Fletcher J (2020). Sustainable prosperity and enterprises for Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand: A review of the literature. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.
indigenous people, rangatahi (young New Zealand Māori adults), sustainable enterprises, well-being, workplace, whānau (New Zealand Māori family/community)
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::45 - Indigenous studies::4511 - Ngā tāngata, te porihanga me ngā hapori o te Māori (Māori peoples, society and community)::451121 - Ngā tirohanga Māori (Māori perspectives)
Fields of Research::45 - Indigenous studies::4510 - Te hauora me te oranga o te Māori (Māori health and wellbeing)::451021 - Ngā taiohi me ngā whānau Māori (Māori youth and family)
Fields of Research::45 - Indigenous studies::4511 - Ngā tāngata, te porihanga me ngā hapori o te Māori (Māori peoples, society and community)::451104 - Ngā mahi tauhokohoko o te Māori (Māori commerce)
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