Non-Academic & External: Reports

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Tuia te tangata ki te mātauranga: Connecting people with knowledge
    (University of Canterbury Library, 2024) Ormsby, Jessica; Ghosh, Dorian
    Ākonga Māori at UC are influenced to engage with libraries by the provision of individualised and scaffolded learning experiences in a relational model of service delivery. Ākonga Māori present with unique social and learning behaviours and characteristics which they have said means they require specialised services. They have not been afraid to ask for these from their Tiriti partners. A shift in delivery approach is now required of UC Libraries, and their services need to be taken to ākonga in a more direct way. Strategic direction requires a needs analysis based on research. This report serves as a start to this. Ākonga should not have the onus placed on them to be the engagers, as the responsibility for engagement then shifts from the senior partner to the junior member in the relationship. There are positive examples of staff at UC Libraries who deliver services to ākonga Māori by practicing manaakitanga and tiakitanga. The power these experiences have on influencing ākonga success is immeasurable. The extent to which UC Libraries contribute to transitioning ākonga into their tertiary journey at UC was made transparent in the course of this research; it is critical that this work is understood, evaluated, enriched, and progressed. Services that are hidden need to be exposed to make access to services fair and equitable to ākonga Māori, and they have asked for mentorship and guidance to know about these services – including learning from their tuakana who have already had experience in the UC tertiary landscape. Ākonga asked for UC Libraries to increase the exposure of Te Ao Māori, Tikanga Māori and te reo Māori; awarding and celebrating the mana of te reo Māori. Supporting ākonga to discover and connect with their cultural identity would be facilitated by UC Libraries in this way.
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  • ItemOpen Access
    E-textbooks at UC.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Academic perspectives of textbooks at the University of Canterbury.
    (UC Library, 2021) Tyson, Fiona
    This survey of academic staff at the University of Canterbury has revealed a discrepancy between current academic practice in textbook use and student/publisher practices. More specifically, academics practices within UC are based predominantly on traditional print textbook models, while students and publisher practices are based on e-textbooks. For example, academics are keenly aware that many students find the cost of textbooks prohibitive and rely on library access as an alternative for students who cannot purchase the textbook. However, academics do not often take the cost of textbooks for the university library into consideration in their selection process. This suggests that academics are unaware that as the textbook industry pivots to the provision of e- textbook, the predominant publishing models make library provision of textbooks significantly more expensive and, in some cases, unaffordable. The results of this survey suggest the library needs to better articulate the burgeoning difficulties in continuing to provide adequate alternative textbook access, as well as provide alternative options such as open textbooks. The majority of academics reported perceiving benefits in the open textbook model, with the most common being accessibility and affordability for students, but were unsure where to look for open textbooks. Concerns were also raised about sourcing current, relevant, high-quality open textbooks, suggesting the library can support open textbooks uptake by assisting with the sourcing and/or resourcing of appropriate works.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Centring Our Values: Open Access for Aotearoa
    (Tohatoha Aotearoa Commons, 2019) Henk, Mandy; Angelo, Anton; Barbour, Ginny; Moore, Samuel A.
    New Zealand invests billions of dollars each year in research that is locked behind the paywalls of large academic publishers. Tohatoha wants to see a New Zealand where the work of our scholars, scientists and researchers is open and available for everyone to read, share, and reuse. To realise this vision, New Zealand needs a national strategy to open the work of our publicly funded scholars, scientists, and researchers. Done well, this strategy will contribute to improved policy making, help to educate the electorate, and support practitioners in a wide range of professions, while also strengthening New Zealand’s economy by providing access to R&D to the private sector. This work is also crucial to the work of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Facing up to the enormous responsibility of just transition and getting the work underway requires widespread access to knowledge, data, and information. Greater access and openness are key to unlocking the innovative potential of New Zealand society as we work together to reduce greenhouse gases. We also need to think very differently about research excellence. The Performance Based Research Fund is harming the well-being of our academic community, including Māori and Pacifika researchers. A new system that attends to the well-being of our researchers and scholars, while also redefining excellence in a way that is not tied into proprietary metrics, is crucial to opening up knowledge and building the kind of Aotearoa that shares the benefits of knowledge widely for the good of everyone. At the same time, we want to live in a New Zealand where the Crown fulfills its commitment as a Treaty partner by living up to the diversity and equity statements made by its universities. There is ample evidence that the system as it stands now creates specific harms for Māori scholars and scientists. Reimagining our scholarly communications system offers us the opportunity to develop a system where these inequities are rectified and remedied. Open access offers a path forward—one based in innovation, care, excellence, and honouring Tiriti.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The University of Canterbury Research Repository Metadata, Preservation and Reuse Statement
    (University of Canterbury, 2019) Angelo, Anton
    Metadata • Information describing items in the repository • Anyone may access the metadata free of charge • Metadata is shared under a Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal license. • The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes and re-sold commercially provided the OAI Identifier or a link to the original metadata record are given. Data • Full-text and other full data items • Access to some or all full items is controlled. • All full items are individually tagged with differing rights permissions and conditions. Content Types of document & data set held • This is an institutional or departmental repository. • University of Canterbury Research Repository holds all types of materials. • Deposited items may include: o working drafts o submitted versions (as sent to journals for peer-review) o accepted versions (author's final peer-reviewed drafts) o published versions (publisher-created files) Principal Languages: English; Maori Submissions Depositors, quality & copyright • Items may only be deposited by accredited members, academic staff, registered students, and employees of the institution, or their delegated agents. • Eligible depositors must deposit full texts of all their publications, although they may delay making them publicly visible to comply with publishers' embargos. • The administrator only vets items for the eligibility of authors/depositors • The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor. • Items can be deposited at any time, but will not be made publicly visible until any publishers' or funders' embargo period has expired. • If University of Canterbury Research Repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed immediately. Preservation • Items will be retained indefinitely. • University of Canterbury Research Repository will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility. • It may not be possible to guarantee the readability of some unusual file formats. • University of Canterbury Research Repository regularly backs up its files according to current best practice. • Items may be removed at the request of the author/copyright holder, but this is strongly discouraged. • Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include: • Journal publishers' rules • Proven copyright violation or plagiarism • Legal requirements and proven violations • Falsified research • Withdrawn items are not deleted per se, but are removed from public view. • Withdrawn items' identifiers/URLs are not retained. • The metadata of withdrawn items will not be searchable. • If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. • The earlier version may be withdrawn from public view. • There will be links between earlier and later versions, with the most recent version clearly identified. • In the event of University of Canterbury Research Repository being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive.
  • ItemOpen Access
    College of Arts Researchers and the Library
    (2019) Nicolle, Janette; Gilmour, Kerry; Clemens, Dave; Scullin, Nick; Broughton, Stuart; Angelo, Anton
    The University of Canterbury Library study on researchers in the College of Arts (The UC Study) is modelled on the 2006 University of Minnesota Libraries' Multi-Dimensional Framework for Academic Support (The Minnesota Study). The aim was to gain a better understanding of the current information research needs of academic staff and doctoral students in the College of Arts at the University of Canterbury. The UC Study was also an opportunity to develop library staff research skills, to grow our confidence in supporting researchers and our credibility as partners in research activities. The Library is particularly interested in the research practices in the College of Arts as this was the group most vocally opposed to and perhaps most impacted by the relegation of physical book collections. The UC Study used a mixed methods approach to explore the information research needs and strategies of academic staff and doctoral students. The qualitative component included three focus groups with seventeen doctoral students and eleven semi-structured interviews with individual academic staff. Data was also analysed from the 2018 lthaka S+R Faculty Survey.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Subject Guides and Resource Discovery
    (2019) Tyson, A. F.
    Subject guides are disciplinary resource discovery maps long created by librarians to assist library users in independently locating resources within the library. While best practices in the design and promotion of guides are well documented in the literature, analyses of usage are scant. Furthermore, given developments in resource discovery, including Web-scale discovery tools and Google Scholar, subject guide usage needs to be contextualised in relation to the usage of other discovery tools.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Informed Consent and Assisted Reproductive Technology: Proposed advice to the Minister of Health: Consultation document response
    (2015) Reuvecamp I; Mason C; Graham F; Fitzpatrick J; Copland P; Stanton M; Payne D; Gunder A
  • ItemOpen Access
    Bibliography : Social Work Pertaining to Māori in New Zealand : Ngā Mahi Toko I Te Ora O Te Iwi Māori 1990-2017
    (2017) Gilmour KL; Holzke J
    Subject Librarians for the fields of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work are often asked for help with searching for literature related to social work with Māori clients and bicultural social work practice. This bibliography is an attempt to bring together research and literature of interest to social work professionals working with Māori in New Zealand.
  • ItemOpen Access
    An investigation into the southward migration of the Waimakariri River mouth
    (Environment Canterbury, 2011) Boyle, Tony
    The Waimakariri River is currently migrating rapidly southwards. This report examines matters pertaining to this and recommends for reasons set out no action to halt this migration for the short to medium term.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Who achieves what in secondary schooling? A conceptual and empirical analysis.
    (New Zealand Post Primary Teachers' Association (PPTA), 2013) Gordon, Liz
    In conclusion, it is found that definitions of success and failure in the schooling system vary enormously over time and across different contexts. In New Zealand, the adoption of the NCEA has provided the opportunity to improve learning outcomes in the senior school. The 2009 PISA results confirm that New Zealand has one of the best schooling systems in the world, and provides certainty that over 85% of students in school at age 16 have the skills to live and work effectively in our society.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and educational achievement: An exploration
    (2013) Easton, B
    The average PISA scores on the three dimensions of reading, mathematics and science literacy of New Zealand fifteen year-olds are high among the OECD countries. There are differences by ethnicity and class (and to a lesser extent gender), which are explored in this report.