Accomplishing Innovation: Developing Early Childhood Intervention Services for Children with Special Needs. A social history of the development of the Christchurch Early Intervention Programme

dc.contributor.authorDu Plessis, R.
dc.description.abstractThis account of the Early Intervention Programme is based on interviews with Patricia Champion, the founder of the Early Intervention Centre, now called the Champion Centre. The focus for the interviews was how the Centre became established, the recruitment of staff, the expansion of the range of children and parents using the services of the centre, and the constant challenge to find a physical location for the services established to meet the needs of babies and young children with actual or potential learning disabilities. All the quotations in this narrative are extracts from the transcripts of four life story interviews conducted at Patricia Champion's home in Christchurch over several months in 2000.en
dc.identifier.citationDu Plessis, R. (2001) Accomplishing Innovation: Developing Early Childhood Intervention Services for Children with Special Needs. A social history of the development of the Christchurch Early Intervention Programme ..en
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. School of Sociology and Anthropology.en
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::330000 Education::330100 Education Studies::330108 Special educationen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::370000 Studies in Human Society::370100 Sociology::370105 Applied sociology, programme evaluation and social impact assessmenten
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::320000 Medical and Health Sciences::321200 Public Health and Health Services::321212 Care for disableden
dc.titleAccomplishing Innovation: Developing Early Childhood Intervention Services for Children with Special Needs. A social history of the development of the Christchurch Early Intervention Programmeen
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