Severely Fading MIMO Channels: Models and Mutual Information

dc.contributor.authorChoi, S.H.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, P.
dc.contributor.authorAllen, B.
dc.contributor.authorMalik, W.Q.
dc.contributor.authorSha, M.
dc.description.abstractIn most wireless communications research, the channel models considered experience less severe fading than the classic Rayleigh fading case. In this work, however, we investigate MIMO channels where the fading is more severe. In these environments, we show that the coefficient of variation of the channel amplitudes is a good predictor of the link mutual information, for a variety of models. We propose a novel channel model for severely fading channels based on the complex multivariate t distribution. For this model, we are able to compute exact results for the ergodic mutual information and approximations to the outage probabilities for the mutual information. Applications of this work include wireless sensors, RF tagging, land-mobile, indoor-mobile, ground-penetrating radar, and ionospheric radio links. Finally, we point out that the methodology can also be extended to evaluate the mutual information of a cellular MIMO link and the performance of various MIMO receivers in a cellular scenario. In these cellular applications, the channel itself is not severely fading but the multivariate t distribution can be applied to model the effects of inter-cell interference.en
dc.identifier.citationChoi, S.H., Smith, P., Allen, B., Malik, W.Q., Sha, M. (2007) Severely Fading MIMO Channels: Models and Mutual Information. Glasgow, UK: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2007), 24-28 Jun 2007. 4628-4633.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering.en
dc.rights©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.en
dc.subjectchannel modelsen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::290000 Engineering and Technology::291700 Communications Technologies::291710 Radio communications and broadcasting not elsewhere classifieden
dc.titleSeverely Fading MIMO Channels: Models and Mutual Informationen
dc.typeConference Contributions - Published
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