Multifractal Analysis of Histopathological Tissue Images

dc.contributor.authorTay, C.
dc.contributor.authorMukundan, R.
dc.contributor.authorRacoceanu, D.
dc.description.abstractHistopathological classification and grading of biopsy specimens play an important role in early cancer detection and prognosis. Nottingham scoring system is one of the standard grading procedures used in breast cancer assessment, where three parameters, Mitotic Count (MC), Nuclear Pleomorphism (NP), and Tubule Formation (TF) are used for prognostic information. The grading takes into account the deviations in cellular structures and appearance from normal, using measures such as density, size, colour and regularity. Cell structures in tissue images are also known to exhibit multifractal characteristics. This paper looks at the multifractal properties of several graded biopsy specimens and analyses the dependency and variation of the fractal parameters with respect to the scores assigned by pathologists.en
dc.identifier.citationTay, C., Mukundan, R., Racoceanu, D. (2011) Multifractal Analysis of Histopathological Tissue Images. Auckland, New Zealand: 26th International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2011), 29 Nov-1 Dec 2011. 80-85.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Computer Science and Software Engineeringen
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Human Interface Technology Laboratoryen
dc.rights"©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.en
dc.subjectbreast cancer assessmenten
dc.subjectmultifractal spectraen
dc.subjectimage analysisen
dc.subjecthistopathological classificationen
dc.subjectfeature detectionen
dc.subjectcancer gradingen
dc.subject.anzsrcField of Research::11 - Medical and Health Sciences::1112 - Oncology and Carcinogenesis::111201 - Cancer Cell Biologyen
dc.subject.anzsrcFields of Research::46 - Information and computing sciences::4603 - Computer vision and multimedia computation::460306 - Image processingen
dc.titleMultifractal Analysis of Histopathological Tissue Imagesen
dc.typeConference Contributions - Published
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