Learning Lessons from Disasters: Is there any point?

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Oral Presentation
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Middendorf J
Millar, Paul

This seminar will begin by describing the development of CEISMIC and outlining some of the project’s challenges and possibilities. But the main thrust of the session will be to arrive at a robust discussion about the point and purpose of post-disaster cultural heritage digital archives like CEISMIC in an era when headlines like the ones above underscore the accelerating crisis of the global climate disaster, expected to affect over 4 billion people and destroy lives, livelihoods and entire communities. Do small discrete archiving projects like CEISMIC have value or meaning when the climate disaster looms so large?

Millar P, Middendorf J (2020). Learning Lessons from Disasters: Is there any point?. UC Arts Digital Lab, Logie Building, Level 4, 2020.
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::43 - History, heritage and archaeology::4302 - Heritage, archive and museum studies::430204 - Digital heritage
Fields of Research::41 - Environmental sciences::4101 - Climate change impacts and adaptation::410103 - Human impacts of climate change and human adaptation
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