Detection and Removal of Global and Local Noise in Realtime Video Streams

dc.contributor.authorClark, Adrian
dc.contributor.authorGreen, Richard
dc.description.abstractDespite the steady advancement of digital camera technology, noise is an ever present problem with image processing. Low light levels, fast camera motion, and even sources of electromagnetic fields such as electric motors can degrade image quality and increase noise levels. Many approaches to remove this noise from images concentrate on a single image, although more data relevant to noise removal can be obtained from video streams. This paper discusses the advantages of using multiple images over an individual image when removing both local noise, such as salt and pepper noise, and global noise, such as motion blur.en
dc.identifier.citationClark A, Green R (2006). Detection and Removal of Global and Local Noise in Realtime Video Streams. Great Barrier Island, New Zealand: 21st International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2006). 27/11/2006-29/11/2006.en
dc.rightsAll rights reserved unless otherwise stateden
dc.subjectimage noiseen
dc.subjectmotion bluren
dc.subjectsalt and pepperen
dc.subjectvideo streamsen
dc.subject.anzsrcFields of Research::46 - Information and computing sciences::4603 - Computer vision and multimedia computation::460306 - Image processingen
dc.subject.anzsrcFields of Research::46 - Information and computing sciences::4603 - Computer vision and multimedia computation::460309 - Video processingen
dc.titleDetection and Removal of Global and Local Noise in Realtime Video Streamsen
dc.typeConference Contributions - Publisheden
uc.collegeFaculty of Engineering
uc.departmentSchool of Product Design
uc.departmentComputer Science and Software Engineering
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