An investigation into competitive pricing procedures for professional services.

Type of content
Theses / Dissertations
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Thesis discipline
Civil Engineering
Degree name
Master of Engineering
University of Canterbury
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Enright, Jodi

This research report is an investigation into the Transit New Zealand Competitive Pricing Procedures for professional services. The investigation focuses on the evaluation of the five quality attributes (methodology, track record, technical skills, management skills and relevant experience) used by the tendering authorities to predict the quality of a service.

The investigation consists of the defining of quality and quality concepts as applied to professional engineering services. Based on the quality definition, a review of the prediction of quality through the evaluation of the quality attributes is performed. A literature review of overseas selection procedures for professional services is performed to assist the investigation.

To improve the CPP for professional services this report reviews and develops a performance evaluation procedure. Performance evaluation of the consultant at the completion of a project is for the purpose of providing feedback to the consultant for quality improvement and providing performance records of the consultant to assist in future selections.

Communication plays an important part in ensuring that quality results are achieved. The author investigated communication and the communication process as applied to professional engineering.

Recommendations for improving the evaluation of the quality attributes and improving the client-consultant relationship are presented. Recommended improvements include comprehensive evaluation guidelines, the introduction of explanatory meetings at the RFT stage, and the encouragement of interviews at the evaluation stage. Recommendations for future work includes an investigation into how communication processes can be improved to assist in developing closer, and more open relationships between the client and consultant; relationships that will be mutually beneficial for both parties.

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