5 Minute Volcano: designing serious games about volcanic hazards for a bi-cultural environment.
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This thesis proposal intends to asses how serious games can be designed to communicate volcanic tsunami risk in the bi-cultural environment of Aotearoa New Zealand. Background research has shown that children are vulnerable to natural hazards, yet crucial in risk communication. Serious games have been developed to help children learn, yet the research gaps are extensive. This research proposes working with a M¯aori kura to co-design a serious game for school children about tsunami risk communication and evacuation strategies. The tamariki engaged in workshops and through exploratory observational and interview qualitative methods, the prototype 5-Minute Volcano was designed, incorporating Māori and Western cultural aspects. The user study conducted observed a small group of four children whilst they played the game, and the feedback was used to determine if serious games can be used for learning and risk reduction in future studies.