R&D Partner's Network Position and Focal Firm's Innovation Performance: A Knowledge Spill-In Perspective

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Journal Article
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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Yang , Jinyu
BI, Qingqing

—Research and development (R&D) collaboration is an important source of innovation. Network researchers have identified the importance of network resources in a firm’s innovation performance. However, previous studies have largely focused on the ego network (i.e., a firm’s own network position). In this study, we adopt an alter network perspective and explore how the network position of a firm’s alter (i.e., R&D partner) influences the focal firm’s innovation process. Drawing upon social capital theory and the knowledge-based view, we argue that R&D partners’ superior network positions (e.g., structural holes and centrality) provide second-order social capital, and positively influence a firm’s innovation performance through increased knowledge spill-in (or incoming knowledge spillover). We also find that relationship duration between firms and R&D partners moderates the relationship between R&D network positions and knowledge spill-in in an inverted U-shape. This study highlights the impact of second-order social capital on a firm’s innovation process from a knowledge-based view. We suggest that firms leverage both direct and indirect network resources and consider the dynamics in their R&D partnerships to facilitate better knowledge flows in the focal firms.

This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and content may change prior to final publication.
Yang J, Bi Q (2024). R&D Partner's Network Position and Focal Firm's Innovation Performance: A Knowledge Spill-In Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 1-17.
R&D partners, network position, knowledge spill-in, relationship duration, second-order social capital
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3507 - Strategy, management and organisational behaviour::350705 - Innovation management
35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3503 - Business systems in context::350302 - Business information management (incl. records, knowledge and intelligence)
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