Displacement capacity of ancient structures through non-linear kinematic and dynamic analyses

dc.contributor.authorGiovinazzi, S.
dc.contributor.authorLagomarsino, S.
dc.contributor.authorResemini, S.
dc.description.abstractIn seismic prone areas, the topic of ensuring the buildings an adequate safety level is difficult to cope with. The public use related to several monumental buildings (churches, palaces, castles, etc.) sharpens the seismic risk, increasing the exposure factor. On this topic, in Italy, the recent seismic decrees (OPCM 3274/2003 and OPCM 3431/2005) have strongly modified the safety concept both for new-designed constructions and existing buildings. This code introduces the idea of design and verification through displacement-based analysis. Recent works propose an approach based on the Equilibrium Limit Analysis (kinematic theorem), which reliability needs to be verify through systematic numerical checks. For this purpose, nonlinear dynamic analyses on the equivalent SDOF systems have been performed (Resemini et al. 2006). In this paper, the seismic performance of various church façades (Umbria region, Tuscany region) is evaluated using both non-linear kinematic and dynamic analyses. The estimated displacement capacity of the case studies is then compared to the surveyed damage pattern after the earthquakes in the ‘90s.en
dc.identifier.citationGiovinazzi, S., Lagomarsino, S., Resemini, S. (2006) Displacement capacity of ancient structures through non-linear kinematic and dynamic analyses. New Delhi, India: V International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction., Nov 2006.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Canterbury. Civil and Natural Resources Engineeringen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::290000 Engineering and Technology::290800 Civil Engineering::290801 Structural engineeringen
dc.subject.marsdenFields of Research::260000 Earth Sciences::260200 Geophysics::260206 Earthquake seismologyen
dc.titleDisplacement capacity of ancient structures through non-linear kinematic and dynamic analysesen
dc.typeConference Contributions - Published
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