Measuring the effects of visual scan codes in advertising

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Journal Article
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Inderscience Publishers
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Fortin DR
Surovaya K

Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. With smart phone technology becoming increasingly widespread in the consumption space, the use of Visual Scan Codes (VSC) such as QR (Quick Response) or Shazam codes are becoming prominent interactive tools transforming traditional advertising into more engaging and responsive communication platforms. To examine the effects of the presence of these codes, this study uses a (2x2) between-subjects experimental design with treatment groups for code type (QR code active vs. QR code static) and code salience (black and white vs. coloured) with a fifth control group. Findings suggest that such codes have significant effects on hedonic attitudes towards the ad, perceived vividness and brand recall. Participants who noticed the code in the stimulus ad showed higher brand recall and involvement levels. In addition, the mere presence of a static code was found to be perhaps even more effective than an activated code.

Fortin DR, Surovaya K (2018). Measuring the effects of visual scan codes in advertising. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. 12(4). 358-373.
VSC, visual scan codes, QR codes, Shazam, advertising, vividness, involvement, attitudes
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3506 - Marketing::350604 - Marketing communications