Increasing microfinance risk tolerance through revenue sharing: An experiment

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Journal Article
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Informa UK Limited
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Clark, Jeremy
Spraggon, J

Microfinance has been found to be less effective for high risk/return borrowing groups. We report a group liability microfinance lab experiment that tests a mechanism to raise repayment rates among such borrowers. The mechanism offers partial revenue sharing among groups of borrowers, agreed to before individual business outcomes are realized and loan repayment is due. Such revenue sharing makes loan repayment optimal under more outcome states, increasing the expected benefit to each borrower of repayment to qualify for future loans. We further test the effect of allowing borrowers to renege on revenue sharing agreements after learning their business outcomes, prior to loan repayment decisions. Our results illustrate the problem that exogenously higher risk/return borrowing groups achieve lower loan repayment rates than lower risk/return borrowing groups. We find evidence that optional revenue sharing significantly increases high risk borrowers’ repayment rates, but that most of this gain is lost if they can renege on revenue sharing agreements.

Clark J, Spraggon J (2021). Increasing microfinance risk tolerance through revenue sharing: An experiment. Applied Economics. 54(17). 1912-1933.
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
1402 Applied Economics
1403 Econometrics
1502 Banking, Finance and Investment
35 - Commerce, management, tourism and services::3502 - Banking, finance and investment
38 - Economics
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