Insights from the 2021 New Zealand strong ground motion database

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Hutchinson J
Bradley, Brendon
Lee, Robin
Schill, Claudio
Dupuis, Mike
Motha, Jason
van Houtte, Chris
Kaiser, Anna
Manea, Elena
Wotherspoon, Liam

New Zealand has a wide variety of tectonic settings and environments, which experience earthquakes to varying degrees of severity. The shaking experienced by an earthquake is quantified by strong ground motion intensity measures, which must be computed and collated into a consistent catalogue. We present information regarding the development and implementation of the 2021 New Zealand strong ground motion database. Strong motion intensity measures have been computed for events with magnitudes equal to or greater than 4 from 2000 through the end of 2021. Along with these intensity measures, we have determined earthquake rupture properties, recomputed earthquake magnitudes, determined event tectonic classifications, and derived source-receiver propagation path information. This information is compiled in several tables, which comprise the entire database. This database establishes a unified, expandable catalogue necessary for implementation with hazard modelling studies for a wide variety of regions across New Zealand.

Hutchinson J, Bradley B (2022). Insights from the 2021 New Zealand strong ground motion database. virtual: New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Annual Conference. 27/04/2022-29/04/2022.
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::37 - Earth sciences::3706 - Geophysics::370609 - Seismology and seismic exploration
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