Engaging Correctional Leaders and Students in Higher Education: The Making the Connection Project

dc.contributor.authorFarley, Helen
dc.description.abstractThe Making the Connection project is aiming to introduce digital technologies into Australian prisons to allow access to digital higher education for incarcerated students. But correctional leadership and custodial personnel, because of the legitimate need to maintain public safety, are highly risk averse, especially when dealing with digital technologies. This paper describes how the project team worked with three levels of correctional leadership across a number of correctional jurisdictions to successfully deploy the project at 20 sites. It elucidates the engagement strategy employed by the Making the Connection project, a crucial factor in the success of the project. It describes the challenges and opportunities encountered with a view to proposing a framework through which university researchers can productively work with correctional leadership to mutual benefit.
dc.identifier.citationFarley H (2016). Engaging Correctional Leaders and Students in Higher Education: The Making the Connection Project. Bucharest: International Corrections and Prisons Association Conference. 26/10/2016-28/10/2016.
dc.rightsAll rights reserved unless otherwise stated
dc.subject.anzsrc39 - Education::3904 - Specialist studies in education::390405 - Educational technology and computing
dc.subject.anzsrc44 - Human society::4402 - Criminology::440202 - Correctional theory, offender treatment and rehabilitation
dc.subject.anzsrc39 - Education::3903 - Education systems::390303 - Higher education
dc.titleEngaging Correctional Leaders and Students in Higher Education: The Making the Connection Project
dc.typeConference Contributions - Other
uc.collegeFaculty of Law
uc.departmentFaculty of Law
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