Production Services Reporting System Analysis

Type of content
Theses / Dissertations
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Thesis discipline
Engineering Management
Degree name
Master of Engineering Management
University of Canterbury. Engineering Management
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Templeton, Jessica

The purpose of the analysis was to realise potential areas for improvement within the Production Services department. Sources of inefficiency within the Reporting System were identified to support recommendations for the rationalisation, streamlining and alignment of processes.

Lean philosophies and Total Quality Management techniques were reviewed to gain an understanding of applicability to Production Services. Evaluation through Value Stream Mapping determined a reporting process efficiency of 71% and two supplementary waste types were recognised in addition to the standard seven wastes of lean processes. The root cause of inefficiency and waste was investigated further with the 5 Whys Technique. A benchmark was established through reviewing industry based literature and conducting comparative studies of both like and unlike departments. Participant and non-participant naturalistic observation techniques were employed to collect a balanced data set for value stream analysis.

Variable environmental factors were recognised to moderate results from direct analysis of the reporting system. Dissimilar political, economic, sociocultural, technological and legal factors were considered during comparison and benchmark.

The findings in this report provide evidence of issues that should be addressed for the continuous improvement of both the reporting system, and the department. These have been provided for the consideration of Shell Todd Oil Services Limited Production Services and Logistics Manager.

Production Services, Lean in Service, Total Quality Management, Reporting System, Continuous Improvement, Process Improvement, Lean Implementation, Strategy
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All Right Reserved, Copyright Jessica Templeton