Strategy creation for Engineers Without Borders New Zealand’s Pacific Island engineering development projects
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Engineers Without Borders New Zealand (EWBNZ) has recently reached a stage in its organisational growth where a new strategy is needed to ensure its future engineering development initiatives are more consistent with its guiding philosophy of delivering sustainable long term development projects. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the perceptions of the committee tasked with delivering projects revealed a preference for a strategy which enabled ‘placement’ type projects. To develop this strategy a qualitative analysis was conducted which focused on ascertaining what strategies and organisational structures are employed by comparable EWB organisations to deliver development projects. This process revealed EWB Australia to have a placement project process model which was deemed as the most acceptable to replicate. An implementation strategy and supporting set of recommendations were provided for this new placement project strategy. The most significant recommendation given to support this new strategy was to concentrate EWBNZ’s resources by prioritising projects in only two of the four countries EWBNZ currently operates. The countries deemed a strategic priority were Samoa and Tonga.