Article Influence Score = 5YIF divided by 2

Type of content
Discussion / Working Papers
Publisher's DOI/URI
Thesis discipline
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College of Business and Economics
University of Canterbury. Department of Economics and Finance
Journal Title
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Volume Title
Chang, C.-L.
McAleer, M.
Oxley, L.

This paper examines the novelty and usefulness of two new journal performance metrics, namely the Eigenfactor Score and Article Influence Score, using ISI data for 2009 for the 200 most highly cited journals in each of the sciences and social sciences, and compares them with existing ISI metrics, namely Total Citations and the 5-year Impact Factor (5YIF) of a journal. It is shown that the sciences and social sciences are different in terms of the strength of the relationship of journal performance metrics, although the actual relationships are very similar.

RePEc Working Paper Series: No. 44/2010
Chang, C-L, McAleer, M., Oxley, L. (2010) Article Influence Score = 5YIF divided by 2. Department of Economics and Finance. 11pp..
journal performance metrics, total citations, 5-year impact factor (5YIF), eigenfactor score, article influence score
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Field of Research::20 - Language, Communication and Culture::2001 - Communication and Media Studies::200199 - Communication and Media Studies not elsewhere classified
Fields of Research::36 - Creative arts and writing::3602 - Creative and professional writing::360205 - Technical writing