Automated Vision-Based Force Measurement of Moving C. elegans

Type of content
Conference Contributions - Published
Thesis discipline
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University of Canterbury. Chemical and Process Engineering
University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Canterbury. Mechanical Engineering
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Ghanbari, A.
Nock, V.
Blaikie, R.J.
Chen, X.
Chase, Geoff
Wang, W.

Abstract—this paper reports an automated tracking and force measurement system for C. elegans in motion, based on microscopy computer vision. A polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) device was microfabricated to allow C. elegans to move in a matrix of micropillars in a channel. An image processing algorithm has been developed to track the worm and deflecting micropillars automatically in purpose of quantifying multipoint locomotive forces of a moving C. elegans. The developed system is able to visually resolve force with a 0.33 µN resolution. A maximum force level of 55.41 µN for a young adult wild type C. elegans was observed.

Ghanbari, A., Nock, V., Blaikie, R.J., Chen, X., Chase, J.G., Wang, W. (2010) Automated Vision-Based Force Measurement of Moving C. elegans. Toronto, Canada: 6th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2010), 21-24 Aug 2010. 198-203.
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Field of Research::09 - Engineering::0913 - Mechanical Engineering