Intuitiveness of Class and Object Encapsulation

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Conference Contributions - Published
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University of Canterbury. Computer Science and Software Engineering
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Voigt, J.
Irwin, W.
Churcher, N.

Encapsulation is one of the most fundamental programming language mechanisms available to software developers for managing the complexity of software systems. One might therefore expect clear guidelines and consistent practices to be used in mature programming languages, and particularly in object oriented (OO) languages, with their rich support for encapsulation. However, the encapsulation practices employed by OO developers are surprisingly variable, even within a given OO language. Published advice on how best to use encapsulation is conflicting and little research has been done to determine what developers do in practice and why. In this work, we focus on one aspect of encapsulation: the encapsulation boundary in OO systems. In the archetypal OO language Smalltalk, object data is private to an object. On the other hand, in statically typed OO languages such as C# and Java, object data is private to a class. This difference has broad implications for software design and maintenance, especially when inheritance is considered. Using a survey of both novice and experienced software developers, we show that the encapsulation boundary supported by mainstream statically typed languages does not coincide with the intuition of most developers.

organisers say: The conference proceedings is placed on CDROM (given during the conference period) and it is indexed in the EI Compendex database. The proceeding can also be view on which is a mirror of the conference proceedings. Acceptance rate ~40%
Voigt, J., Irwin, W., Churcher, N. (2009) Intuitiveness of Class and Object Encapsulation. Hanoi, Vietnam: 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, 9-12 Nov 2009. 83-88.
encapsulation, encapsulation boundary, OO design, information hiding
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