Applications of a high-voltage SMPS in water disinfection

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Journal Article
Thesis discipline
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University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Johnstone, P.T.
Bodger, P.S.

Microorganisms suspended in water can be destroyed by the application of short duration high-magnitude electric fields. A 50Hz high-voltage water treatment device has been previously presented. The application of a switch-mode power supply (SMPS) to provide the high voltage required by this device is examined. The SMPS has a number of significant advantages over a 50Hz supply. It is able to reduce the operating energy requirements by over 90%. It is also smaller, more lightweight and less expensive to manufacture. The effectiveness of the SMPS in reducing numbers of bacteria is tested. The SMPS is not as effective as the 50Hz supply; however, this may be compensated by using multiple electrodes in series.

Johnstone, P.T., Bodger, P.S. (2001) Applications of a high-voltage SMPS in water disinfection. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 148(2), pp. 41-45.
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