Nonlinear multigrid algorithms for Bayesian optical diffusion tomography

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Journal Article
Thesis discipline
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University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Ye, J.C.
Bouman, C.A.
Webb, K.J.
Millane, R.P.

Optical diffusion tomography is a technique for imaging a highly scattering medium using measurements of transmitted modulated light. Reconstruction of the spatial distribution of the optical properties of the medium from such data is a difficult nonlinear inverse problem. Bayesian approaches are effective, but are computationally expensive, especially for three-dimensional (3-D) imaging. This paper presents a general nonlinear multigrid optimization technique suitable for reducing the computational burden in a range of nonquadratic optimization problems. This multigrid method is applied to compute the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the reconstructed image in the optical diffusion tomography problem. The proposed multigrid approach both dramatically reduces the required computation and improves the reconstructed image quality.

Ye, J.C., Bouman, C.A., Webb, K.J., Millane, R.P. (2001) Nonlinear multigrid algorithms for Bayesian optical diffusion tomography. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 10, pp. 909--922.
Bayesian image reconstruction, multiresolution image reconstruction, nonlinear multigrid optimization, optical diffusion tomography
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