On the Statistics of Cognitive Radio Capacity in Shadowing and Fast Fading Environments

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Conference Contributions - Published
Thesis discipline
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University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Canterbury. Mathematics and Statistics
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Hanif, M.F.
Smith, P.
Shafi, M.

In this paper we consider the capacity of the cognitive radio (CR) channel in a fading environment under a “low interference regime”. This capacity depends critically on a power loss parameter, alpha, which governs how much transmit power the CR dedicates to relaying the primary message. We derive a simple, accurate approximation to alpha which gives considerable insight into system capacity. We also investigate the effects of system parameters and propagation environment on alpha and the CR capacity. In all cases, the use of the approximation is shown to be extremely accurate. Finally, we derive the probability that the “low interference regime” holds and demonstrate that this is the dominant case, especially in practical CR deployment scenarios.

Hanif, M.F., Smith, P., Shafi, M. (2009) On the Statistics of Cognitive Radio Capacity in Shadowing and Fast Fading Environments. Hanover, Germany: 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom 2009), 22-24 Jun 2009.
cognitive radio, approximation theory, electromagnetic wave interference, fading channels probability
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