Spatial analysis of multi-channel EEG recordings through a fuzzy-rule based system in the detection of epiletiform events.

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Conference Contributions - Other
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University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering
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James, C.J.
Jones, R.D.
Bones, P.J.
Carroll, G.J.

A system has been developed which utilises fuzzy logic to perform spatial analysis of the multichannel EEG recording and forms the final stage of a multi-stage system to detect the presence of epileptiform events (EVs) in the EEG. This spatial-combiner consists of a set of 127 fuzzy-rules which define our expectation of the spatial distribution of an EV as measured across a 4- channel bipolar chain of scalp electrodes. A set of probabilities assigned to each channel by the previous ANN-based stage of the EV-detection system are fuzzified into 5 fuzzy variables and the best matching fuzzy rule gives an output of either definite, probable or possible to indicate a detection of an EV on spatial grounds. The system was tested on 8 clinical EEG recordings (7 epileptiform and 1 normal which indicated a sensitivity of 55.3%, a selectivity of 82.0% and a false detection rate of 7.2/hour. These results show a 50-fold decrease in the false detection rate when compared to the performance of the system without spatial analysis, whilst maintaining a comparable level of sensitivity.

James, C.J., Jones, R.D., Bones, P.J. and Carroll, G.J. (1998) Spatial analysis of multi-channel EEG recordings through a fuzzy-rule based system in the detection of epiletiform events.. Hong Kong: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on IEEE Eng. in Med. Biol. Soc., Oct/Nov, 1998. 2175-2178.
fuzzy logic, spike detection, EEG, spatialanalysis
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
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