Existence Advertising, Price Competition, and Asymmetric Market Structure

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Discussion / Working Papers
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Department of Economics
University of Canterbury. Department of Economics and Finance
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Eaton, C.B.
MacDonald, I.A.
Meriluoto, L.

We examine a two stage duopoly game in which firms advertise their existence to consumers in stage 1 and compete in prices in stage 2. Whenever the advertising technology generates positive overlap in customer bases the equilib- rium for the stage 1 game is asymmetric in that one firm chooses to remain small in comparison to its competitor. For a specific random advertising technology we show that one firm will always be half as large as the other. No equilibrium in pure price strategies exists in the stage 2 game and as long as there is some overlap in customer bases the mixed strategy equilibrium is far from the Bertrand equilibrium.

RePEc Working Papers Series: No. 20/2008 This working paper expands upon ideas presented in: Eaton, B.C., MacDonald, I.A. and Meriluoto, L. (2007) Price Competition when Not All Customers Know of All Firms. Christchurch, New Zealand: 48th Annual Conference New Zealand Association of Economists (NZAE), 27-29 Jun 2007.
Eaton, C.B., MacDonald, I.A., Meriluoto, L. (2008) Existence Advertising, Price Competition, and Asymmetric Market Structure. University of Canterbury. 32pp..
Existence advertising, price dispersion, Bertrand paradox, information
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