MIMO Ricean channel capacity

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Conference Contributions - Published
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University of Canterbury. Electrical and Computer Engineering.
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Lebrun, G.
Faulkner, M.
Shafi, M.
Smith, P.J.

This paper presents asymptotic bounds and limits for the ergodic channel capacity of MIMO systems under Ricean channel conditions. It is shown that the ergodic capacity per dimension decreases as the K factor increases in value and approaches a value equal to that of the underlying scattering channel when the number of antennas are large. The accuracy of the bounds is verified by simulations. In addition, a variety of results for the MIMO Ricean channel are brought together to give an overview of the current knowledge in this area.

Lebrun, G., Faulkner, M., Shafi, M., Smith, P.J. (2004) MIMO Ricean channel capacity. Paris, France: IEEE International Conference on Communications, 20-24 Jun 2004. 4, 2939-2943.
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