Non-destructive evaluation techniques and what they tell us about wood property variation

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Journal Article
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Schimleck L
Dahlen J
Apiolaza L
Downes G
Emms G
Evans R
Moore J
Pâques L
Van den Bulcke J
Wang X

To maximize utilization of our forest resources, detailed knowledge of wood property variation and the impacts this has on end-product performance is required at multiple scales (within and among trees, regionally). As many wood properties are difficult and time-consuming to measure ourknowledgeregardingtheirvariationisofteninadequateasisourunderstandingoftheirresponses to genetic and silvicultural manipulation. The emergence of many non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methodologies offers the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of the forest resource; however, it is critical to recognize that any technique has its limitations and it is important to select the appropriate technique for a given application. In this review, we will discuss the following technologies for assessing wood properties both in the field: acoustics, Pilodyn, Resistograph and Rigidimeter and the lab: computer tomography (CT) scanning, DiscBot, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, radial sample acoustics and SilviScan. We will discuss these techniques, explore their utilization, and list applications that best suit each methodology. As an end goal, NDE technologies will help researchers worldwide characterize wood properties, develop accurate models for prediction, and utilize field equipment that can validate the predictions. The continued advancement of NDE technologies will also allow researchers to better understand the impact on wood properties on product performance.

Schimleck L, Dahlen J, Apiolaza L, Downes G, Emms G, Evans R, Moore J, Pâques L, Van den Bulcke J, Wang X (2019). Non-destructive evaluation techniques and what they tell us about wood property variation. Forests. 10(9).
acoustics, computer tomography (CT) scanning;, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, DiscBot, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), Pilodyn, Rigidimeter, Resistograph, SilviScan, wood and fiber quality, X-ray densitometry, X-ray diffraction
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
Fields of Research::30 - Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences::3007 - Forestry sciences::300708 - Forestry product quality assessment
Fields of Research::30 - Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences::3001 - Agricultural biotechnology::300101 - Agricultural biotechnology diagnostics (incl. biosensors)
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