Policy into Science: Business Lessons for Antarctica

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Theses / Dissertations
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Postgraduate Certificate in Antarctic Studies
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Turvey, Richard

This report explores the current "Antarctic landscape" in Nexv Zealand, from the point Of vlew Of the organisations here that are stakeholders in Antarctica, especlally those with an actlve role to play in scientific actlviues and the governance of Antarctic affairs (policy, Strategy, budget prov1S10n and processes, management). A comprchcnsivc summary is drawn up of stakeholders, organisational structures, sources and amounts of funding, strategic and policy statements, funding processes and recent management initlatives. [n domg so descnptions of management structures and techniquc•s prevalent within a large, successful multi-national bustness are introduced. Examples arc described and analoglcs explored where they appear to aid understanding or offcr the possibility of further critical analysis, To conclude tbc analysis some ambitious directions for organlslng and running the Antarctic affairs of New Zealand arc proposed. This report explores the current "Antarctic landscape" in Nexv Zealand, from the point Of vlew Of the organisations here that are stakeholders in Antarctica, especlally those with an actlve role to play in scientific actlviues and the governance of Antarctic affairs (policy, Strategy, budget prov1S10n and processes, management). A comprchcnsivc summary is drawn up of stakeholders, organisational structures, sources and amounts of funding, strategic and policy statements, funding processes and recent management initlatives. [n domg so descnptions of management structures and techniquc•s prevalent within a large, successful multi-national bustness are introduced. Examples arc described and analoglcs explored where they appear to aid understanding or offcr the possibility of further critical analysis, To conclude tbc analysis some ambitious directions for organlslng and running the Antarctic affairs of New Zealand arc proposed.

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