Authenticity at Work from a Person-Environment Fit Perspective
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Purpose - The purpose of the current study is to test a moderated mediation model linking person-environment fit with workplace outcomes (engagement, meaning at work, and performance) through authenticity at work. Self-deception is examined as a potential moderating factor of the person-environment fit and authenticity at work relationship.
Design/methodology/approach - 163 employees participated in an online survey administered at two time periods. The hypotheses and research questions were empirically tested using the PROCESS Macro for SPSS, which conducts bootstrapped moderated mediation analyses.
Findings - Results showed that authenticity mediated a number of person-environment fit and workplace outcomes relationships, where person-environment fit was positively related to authentic self-awareness and authentic self-expression, which in turn were linked to positive organisational outcomes. Further, self-deception moderated a number of relationships between person-environment fit and authenticity at work where high selfdeception was associated with high authenticity, and low levels of fit were buffered against by high levels of self-deception.
Research limitations/implications - Although the time-lagged design employed in this study does not completely eschew the limitations associated with cross-sectional designs, namely the need for caution when drawing causality assumptions, it has elucidated the interplay of authenticity with fit, self-deception, and workplace outcomes to enhance current understandings of authenticity in the workplace.
Practical implications - Organisations should encourage their employees to be authentic at work, and this can be promoted by ensuring good person-environment fit. Furthermore, high self-deception can act as a protective factor against low levels of person-environment fit.
Originality/value - This study is among the first to explore authenticity at work, and the first to empirically examine the authenticity at work and person-environment fit relationship.
Keywords - Authenticity, Person-Environment Fit, Engagement, Meaning at Work, Performance, Self-Deception.