Horrible truth behind the lives of mentally challenged women: A follow up

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Journal Article
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Project Monma Research Centre
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Ramavat, Suman

The following work is a follow up of my social commentary Rehabilitation of Mentally Ill Women in India published September 2016 in the International Journal for Intersectional Feminist Studies. The social commentary discussed the conditions of and chances of rehabilitation of mentally ill women who were being treated in government mental health hospitals. Sexual harassment and ill-treatment of mentally ill women were the main issues in my commentary. Interestingly, news surfaced the Indian media in the month of February 2017 which highlighted the ill treatment of mentally ill women by the institution’s staff. The news reported that eleven patients died due to negligence. Naked female patients, when they were waiting in queue for their turn for the shower, were recorded in the security cameras by a male employee. In this social documentary, I will discuss some of the reasons behind these incidences happened and some solutions to resolve them.

Ramavat, S 2017, Horrible truth behind the lives of mentally challenged women: A follow up, International Journal for Intersectional Feminist Studies, 3 (1), pp.70-72.
destitute, homeless, mental health, care, sexual harassment
Ngā upoko tukutuku/Māori subject headings
ANZSRC fields of research
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